
Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price

At present, many people travel from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka. Many people travel from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka because of many different jobs.

But every person needs a vehicle for commuting. Bus is the most used in Bangladesh. Similarly, there are many buses from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka which are constantly plying. Many people travel from Cox’s Bazar to Taka Gum in these buses. Due to which there is no disruption in their travel.

So there may be many of you who are thinking of going to Dhaka from Cox’s Bazar. Due to which the bus may survive as a vehicle. So some buses ply from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka route. And you may not have any idea about the schedule or fare of those buses. Due to which many people are trying in many ways to know about Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka route buses.

So today we have brought several bus searches for your convenience. Which are constantly leaving for Dhaka from Cox’s Bazar. I think you can easily reach Dhaka by traveling in all these buses. But many people do not know which buses ply from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka route. So know the details about all those bus names and fares.

Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Buses:

The buses from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka are, Green Line, Desh Travels, St. Martin Paribahan, Rajkiya Coach, Eagle Transport, and TR Travels and many more buses go to Dhaka from Cox’s Bazar.

But I think these buses will be the best for you. Because these buses provide much better service than other buses. So know the details about the fare of these buses according to the below information.

Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Bus Schedule:

The buses that run from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka run according to the specific time, so you must go to the ticket counter to find out what time the bus is running and you will get any bus according to your time.

But you must purchase tickets for those bus journeys. You will be informed of the bus time when purchasing the ticket. Moreover, it will be better for you if you can know in advance. And according to that time you will reach the bus. Only then you can go from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka within the specified time without any hassle.

Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Bus Fare:

In particular, the thing that you are most interested in knowing is the bus fare. So today’s article is to inform you about this unknown bus fare.

You can immediately know the detailed list of bus fares from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka. So find out immediately without any further delay. How much is the bus fare from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka?

(AC bus)

Green Line: 1250 Tk to 2500 Tk
Desh Travels: 1800 Tk
Saint Martin Transport: Tk 1500 fare
Royal Coach: 1500 Tk
Eagle Transport: Fifteen hundred taka fare
TR Travels: 1400 to 2 thousand taka

All the bus fares you noticed here are AC buses. Due to which you can make bus journey very comfortably. You don’t have to face any other problem of heating the bus. You can enjoy enough facilities in these AC buses and reach Dhaka without any difficulty.

So you might have understood by now. Know the name and schedule of all the buses plying from Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka. Also for your convenience we have detailed the ticket fares of all those activities.

Due to which you can easily understand what time and how much fare you have to travel by bus. So you don’t think you will face any problem in these buses

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