Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule and Ticket Price
Those of you who are thinking of going by train from Dhaka to Rajshahi. They have come to the right place. Because we provide all the train related information that you need. All that information includes train fares and timetables. Also you will get some tips about trains. Which will be very useful for you.
And all this information has been collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. For your convenience only. If you want to come by train from Dhaka to Rajshahi. Then you have to pay for 245 km. Which is a long way for you. So to cover this long distance comfortably and beautifully, you have to go by train.
Because train is a vehicle where people can reach their destination very comfortably. Generally we have buses or other vehicles. All those vehicles are very occupied during movement. Which is very dangerous for the body. So since you want to go from Dhaka to Rajshahi then train is sufficient as your mode of transport. Which will give you a beautiful moment. So let’s know various information about all those trains.
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule:
All the trains that run from Dhaka are inter-city trains. All those trains are well known in Bangladesh. These trains run more or less on almost every route from Dhaka. But all the trains that are running from Dhaka to Rajshahi. Or you can go to Rajshahi through which trains, check the train and its schedule.
Train Name: Silk City Express (753)
Departs Dhaka: 14:45
Reached Rajshahi: 20:35
Holiday: Sunday
Train Name: Padma Express (759)
Departs from Dhaka at 23:00
Arrive Rajshahi: 04:30
Holiday: Tuesday
Train Name: Dhumketu Express (769)
Departs from Dhaka: 06:00
Arrive Rajshahi :11:40
Holiday: Wednesday
Train Name : Banlata Express (791)
Departs Dhaka: 13:30
Reached Rajshahi :18:15
Holiday: Friday
You have understood the schedule of trains from Dhaka to Rajshahi by now. You must remember these times. You can take any train here according to your timing. But you have to remember his timings. In order not to miss the train in any way. So you have to be careful about time.
Hope you have benefited a lot from this information.
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Fare List/Ticket:
All the trains that run from Dhaka constantly. The fares of all those trains are almost on the same list. But in all trains tickets are divided according to seats. The fare amount of one seat is different. The minimum fare here is Tk 340 which is taken from the Sobhon Chair seat category. So those of you who want to go from Dhaka to Rajshahi. They will purchase tickets according to their means.
You need to be careful before taking the ticket. You can come from Dhaka to Rajshahi by train by collecting tickets according to your preferred seat. No person should board a train without a ticket. As a result, you have to suffer a lot of harassment.
So you have to collect tickets from the ticket counter before going anywhere. Traveling by train will save you a lot of money. Because if you want to come from Dhaka to Rajshahi by other vehicles. Then you have to pay a lot of rent. Which is much less to pay in the train. You have got very important information through our website post. Here we publish various information related to all these trains.