Narsingdi to Chittagong Train Schedule & Ticket Price
At present you can find more or less trains running on every route in Bangladesh. Similarly, several trains run on Narsingdi to Chittagong route. Many people travel in many different vehicles. Like, bus, micro also various vehicles ply on every road in Bangladesh.
But those of you who are thinking of going by train from Narsingdi to Chittagong. Then I would say you have made a right decision. Because train is known as the most comfortable and convenient journey in Bangladesh. You can enjoy a very comfortable journey in trains. Because there is no noise in the train. Due to which Janita becomes very comfortable.
Also, train fares are much cheaper than most modes of transport, so train passengers can save a lot by traveling by train. So know about Narsingdi to Chittagong train schedule and TP list.
Narsingdi to Chittagong Train Schedule:
Train Name Mahanagar Express (722)
Departs from Narsingdi at :22:32
Reach Chittagong at 04:50
Holiday: Sunday
The timing of this intercity train that you have noticed is fixed according to the Bangladesh Railway office. Due to which the trains are forced to run according to the two timings of Feni, so if you want to go to Chittagong by this intercity train. So know these times well.
Narsingdi to Chittagong Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)
Train Name Chittagong Mail (02)
Time: 00:10 from Narsingdi
Reach Chittagong at :07:25
Holidays: None
Train Name Karnaphuli Express (04)
Departs from Narsingdi at 10:26
Reach Chittagong at 18:00 hrs
Holidays: None
Train Name Chatla Express (68)
Departs from Narsingdi at 14:17
Reach Chittagong at 20:50
Holiday: Tuesday
Email Express trains run regularly from Narsingdi to Chittagong within this fixed time schedule. Due to which the train passengers do not have to face any difficulty. They can catch it if they arrive at the station according to the specified time. So if you want to go Chittagong through these trains. Then you also need to know these times well.
Narsingdi to Chittagong Train Ticket Fare List:
In Bangladesh, you can go from one place to another with a much cheaper train fare than all other means of transportation. The Bangladesh Railway Office has provided the opportunity.
Train is the official vehicle of Bangladesh. Or trains are operated according to the government due to which train fares are set low for the convenience of the common people of this country. So that the people of this country can enjoy many benefits to take prisoners.
In these trains you can go to different categories of seats. For which category you have to pay different fees. And for less money you can enjoy good quality facilities only on train journey. You can reach Chittagong by trains from minimum 245 to maximum 1012 taka. And for a minimum of 245 rupees you will get a seat from the decorative section.
And at the fare of Tk 1012 you can enjoy the maximum benefits of these trains from the AC berth section. But whichever category you want, you have to buy tickets in return. Who will get the ticket at the ticket counter in the station. Never enter a train without a ticket. Because without ticket you can’t do train journey.
So wherever you go and whichever section you want to take a seat from. Instead, buy the ticket from the station ticket counter. You have come to know the information about the train through our website. All this information is collected from Bangladesh Railway official website.
We disclose this information for your convenience only. From which you can always get updated train related information.