
Narsingdi to Kishoreganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you listing Narsingdi to Kishoreganj train schedule and ticket fare. But I’d say you’ve come to the right place. Because we are going to publish this article. About Narsingdi to Kishoreganj train schedule and ticket fare list. Also, you will get some interesting tips about trains from our article. Which will help you a lot in train movement all over Bangladesh.

Narsingdi to Kishoreganj route intercity trains ply. All over Bangladesh, the trains are of very good quality and the intercity trains are far ahead in terms of facilities. You can enjoy many benefits by traveling in intercity trains.

Because intercity trains offer many benefits. For example, you can sleep during the journey. There are sleeping arrangements for you in intercity trains. Apart from prayer, there are many types of entertainment. Through which you can make the journey smoothly. So find out now without further delay. Narsingdi to Kishoreganj train schedule and ticket fare list.

Narsingdi to Kishoreganj Train Schedule



Name of the train is Egaro Sindur Prabhati (737).
Departs from Narsingdi at :08:31
Reach Kishoreganj at 11:15
Holiday: Wednesday

Eleven Indus Twilights in the Name of the Train (749)
Departs from Narsingdi at 20:00 hrs
Reached Kishoreganj at 22:35
Holidays: None

Train Name Kishoreganj Express (721)
Departure time from Narsingdi: 12:20
Reach Kishoreganj at 15:00
Holiday: Friday

RE intercity trains regularly ply from Narsingdi to Kishoreganj route due to which trains can make journeys. If you want to go to Kishoreganj by these trains then you need to remember these timings. Because if you do not know these times well, then you will not get the train at any time at the station. So, if you want to go to the station and catch the train, know these times well.

Narsingdi to Kishoreganj Train Ticket Fare List:

You don’t have to pay a lot of fare to go from Narsingdi to Kishoreganj because the train fare is very low. As a result of the three people have to pay less fare, it is a very big benefit for the common people that the Bangladesh Railway office has given the facility. Which is managed according to the government.

Train fares are low for the convenience of the people of this country. Due to which common people in this country can enjoy many benefits by traveling by train. So if you want to go to Kishoreganj in these intercity trains then you can go for different fares because the train has many cabins which have different fares and in return you can enjoy different benefits.


In trains, the train cabins are generally divided into all categories of luxury, luxury chair, comfort, first seat, AC and AC berth. Here the Sobhaan category is known as the lowest cabin. If you want to travel by train from Shobhan division. Then you have to pay 80 rupees rent for it.

And if you want to enjoy maximum benefits in these trains. Then you have to take seat from AC berth section. In return you have to pay 328 rupees. Also the sections in between. Through them you can go for different fares. But no matter which section you want to travel by train. For that you need to purchase tickets.

Of course buy the ticket according to your preferred category from the ticket counter of the station. Because you cannot do without the ticket. And do not purchase tickets through any person other than the ticket counter. This may cause your take to fail. Because there are many unscrupulous people who are cheating people with fake tickets. So, if you want to buy tickets, you must buy them from the ticket counter of the station.


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