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500+ New Caption for Profile Picture Bangla 2022

In today’s age we are very interested in using social media. People of all ages, from small to big boys to old people, have now chosen to create a profile of themselves through various social media. One of the social media that has gained popularity in a short period of time all over the world including Bangladesh is Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.

In addition to communicating with friends and relatives, we use social media to get an idea about the culture of other countries. Generally when we create a profile in a social media we usually have to use a profile picture to decorate it. Because of which we use some amazing profile pictures whether it’s Facebook or Instagram.

When uploading profile picture we should use a great caption related to the type of picture we use in our profile. Caption depends on what is related to your image. There are many people who use their own picture in profile picture, but in most cases it is seen that we use pictures collected from the internet instead of using our own picture on Facebook or Instagram. Due to which we find several captions related to these pictures.

As always, today we are going to share with you the most useful profile picture captions on social media today. We hope that all the captions that we have shared here in Bengali will be liked by all the friends who are in your account. So without wasting time collect the captions from below and use them on your profile picture and spread them among your friends and relatives.

Caption for Profile Picture Bangla for Facebook

Since Facebook is one of the most popular social media nowadays, we now prefer to open an account on this social media. There are many people who have already used a Facebook account and want to upload a picture of their profile. Whenever an image is uploaded to Facebook we want to use a caption associated with the image.

  • সব গাছেরা বৃক্ষ হলেই জেতে!
    তৃণ প্রজাতিই বিরাজ করে ক্ষেতে।
  • জাঁকিয়ে বসা আসলে এক শিকড় সুলভ আইন
    গাছই জানে পাখি মাত্রেই নিপাট পরিযায়ী ।
  • উচ্চাকাঙ্খী উন্নতশির গাছের,
    তারকার থেকে মাটিই কিন্তু কাছের।
  • হে আক্রান্ত পৃথিবী ;তুমি অপরাজিত হও !
  • সুতো ছাড়ো ,উড়তে দাও মনকে
    অপূর্ণতার ঊর্ধ্বে ।

There are many who can create such captions on their own. But in most cases we cannot create these captions by ourselves. In this situation, you will definitely want to use your Facebook profile picture by collecting captions from the internet that are provided in Bengali language. For this reason, we have shared some Bengali language useful as captions for Facebook profile pictures.

Caption for Profile Picture Bangla Emotional

We like to express our thoughts on social media. If for any reason you are upset then you definitely want to express your thoughts on Facebook. In this case, you can use a profile picture that hits the hearts of everyone in your friend list. Because of this, you need to prepare some emotional captions so that many people will understand that you are a little upset because of the caption used in your profile picture.

  • সাধের এই দেহটাও
    এক মুঠো সাদা ছাই হবে,
    সবি তো পিছে পড়ে রবে।
    চুকে যাবে সময়ের
    যত কিছু হিসেব নিকেশ
    এই তো জীবন ।
  • চলার পথে ,পথের বাঁকে নেই তো আপন পর,
    কি আর পাবি কি আর দিবি আঙ্গুল গুণে কি!
    লাভের খাতায় হিসাব করে জীবন ভরে কি?
    আজ পাওনা দেনা মিটিয়ে দিয়ে আয়রে ছুটে আয়।
  • সুযোগ এসেছে আজ, শেষবার আকাশ দেখার
    দেহের কী দাম আর। সে তো শুধু মালিক, ছায়ার।
  • আর নয় নিস্ফল ক্রন্দন
    শুধু নিজের স্বার্থের বন্ধন
    খুলে দাও জানালা আসুক
    সারা বিশ্বের বেদনার স্পন্দন।
  • যে তোমাকে শিখিয়েছে দখলের কথা,
    জেনো সে ধর্মই নয়। প্রাতিষ্ঠানিকতা।

If you use an emotional profile picture in Bengali, then an emotional caption is essential. Due to which we have shared a lot of Bengali emotional captions on several profile pictures for you. You can provide your profile picture by collecting our captions from here.

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