
Dhaka to Jamalpur Bus Schedule, Ticket Price

It is very easy to travel by land from the capital Dhaka to every district of the country. Due to the improvement of the Ministry of Roads and Communications, traveling from one end of the country to the other is now much safer. Passengers generally feel comfortable to travel by bus as bus travel is much safer without cameras.

Because Jamalpur is an important district of Bangladesh, commuters from Dhaka constantly leave for their various work purposes in this district. Whether as a professional or traveling to Jamalpur you must want to reach Jamalpur by bus. Today’s article is written for those of you who want to go to Jamalpur from Dhaka.

We have written this article today about all bus services from Dhaka to Jamalpur, their counter number bus schedule and ticket price. So we think that the information provided by us will play an important role for you and you can easily reach Jamalpur from Dhaka through the information.

Dhaka to Jamalpur Bus Schedule

Jamalpur is one of the developed business districts of Bangladesh due to which people staying in Dhaka regularly travel to Jamalpur for their business interests or for sightseeing. You can reach here in just a few hours, but if you travel by bus, your journey will be much safer and more affordable.

Those of you who want to travel by bus from Dhaka to Jamalpur, it is very important to know the bus schedule before traveling. More than 14 bus services plying this route regularly, we have published here the names and schedules of some of the best trees. You can easily reach Jamalpur from Dhaka through these buses because AC is used in addition to advanced powerful engines in all these buses.

Dhaka to Jamalpur Ticket Price

Those of you who want to travel from Dhaka to Jamalpur have already come to know which buses are plying regularly on this route. In this part of the discussion, we are going to tell you about the amount of ticket price for this route.



If you want to travel by AC bus then you may be charged from Rs.450 to Rs.550. On the other hand, you can easily travel between 380 to 400 rupees to travel by non-AC bus. For the convenience of informing you, we have published the list of the bus services traveling from Dhaka to Jamalpur along with the ticket prices.

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