
Gaforgaon to Dhaka Train Schedule with Ticket Price

Are you looking for Gafargaon to Dhaka train then I would say you have come to the right place as we are going to reveal in this article Gafargaon to Dhaka road train schedule and its ticket fare is very important for you to know.

You will find many intercity and mail express trains on Gafargaon to Dhaka route. With this bread you don’t have to worry about trains. Because most Dhaka bound trains run on this route. Due to which you can catch Dhaka bound train from Gafargaon station at any time.

But you all should know. About these intercity and mail express trains schedule and ticket fare. Because if you don’t know when these trains leave for Dhaka, then you will be in a bad situation when you arrive at the station. So if you know well about the schedule and ticket fare from this article then you will not have any problem.

So know about Gafargaon to Dhaka route intercity and mail express train schedule and ticket fare.

Gafargaon to Dhaka Train Schedule:



Train Name Teesta Express (708)
Departs Gafargaon at 17:57 Samat
Reached Dhaka at 20:25
Holiday: Monday

Train Name Agniveena Express (736)
Departs Gafargaon at 20:52
Reached Dhaka at 23:00
Holidays: None

Train Name Brakshaputra Express (744)
Departs from Gafargaon at 10:10
Reach Dhaka at 12:40
Holidays: None

Train Name Jamuna Express (746)
Departs Gafargaon at 05:12
Reached Dhaka at 07:45
Holidays: None

Train Name Howrah Express (778)
Departure from Gafargaon :11:12 Samat
Reached Dhaka at 13:50
Holiday: Thursday

If you want to go to Dhaka on these intercity trains. Then according to this time you have to appear at the station. You can catch any train if you arrive at the station according to this time.

Gafargaon to Dhaka Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)

Train Name Mahua Commuter (44)
Departs Gafargaon at 18:30
Reached Dhaka at 21:25
Holidays: None

Train Name Dewanganj Commuter (48)
Departs Gafargaon at 16:21
Arrive Dhaka at 19:50
Holidays: None

Train Name Balaka Commuter (50)
Departs Gafargaon at 14:43
Reached Dhaka at 17:25
Holidays: None

Train Name Jamalpur Commuter (52)
Departs Gafargaon at 08:37
Reach Dhaka at 11:25
Holidays: None

Here you can find the Mail Express trains that you have noticed and their schedules. According to this time, these mail express trains run on this route, so if you want to go to Dhaka through these trains, then know these times well.

Gafargaon to Dhaka Train Ticket Price

If you have been on all these trains from Gafarganj to Dhaka. Then you have to pay very less rent. Because the train is a state vehicle of Bangladesh, for the benefit of the common people of this country, the train authorities charge a very low fare due to which the common people of this country can enjoy many benefits.

You will find different cabins in these trains. Which have various benefits. And different fares have to be paid to take seats in those cabins. Whatever category you want to take original.

You will need to purchase an exchange ticket. List at the ticket counter of the station you will buy the ticket according to the category of your choice with the fixed fare. You can never board the train without the ticket. So definitely delete it. After knowing all these information, I think you will not have to face any difficulty in the train journey from Gafargaon to Dhaka route.


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