
Chittagong to Rajshahi Bus Ticket Price

Distance from Chittagong to Rajshahi is about 495.7 km. Which is a long way. A lot of people can be seen traveling from Chittagong to Rajshahi. Many students migrate to Rajshahi due to various work or studies.

But now many people are thinking of going to Rajshahi from Chittagong. Due to which their vehicles may have many concerns. So if you want to go from Chittagong to Rajshahi. Or choose bus as a vehicle for Chittagong to Rajshahi route. In that case I can find you some better quality buses on this route. Buses in which you can reach Rajshahi by renting a small amount of money. And can rely on a standardized journal.

So if you don’t have any specific bus on the Chittagong to Rajshahi route, then you can easily go to Rajshahi through the buses mentioned in our article. So read our complete article carefully to know about Chittagong to Rajshahi Village buses and know which buses ply on this route regularly.

Chittagong to Rajshahi Bus:

We have more or less buses plying on every road in Bangladesh. Buses that ply on all those roads constantly. Similarly, there are some buses from Chittagong to Rajshahi that ply daily. Due to which there is no other disturbance in the travel of bus passengers.

Generally, most people travel by bus. Because buses are always available on every route. Which is not easily available in other vehicles. Like if we are talking about train then train is a fixed time vehicle which is not available fast.

Even if the train runs on time, catching the train is very late. So if you want to go from Chittagong to Rajshahi anytime. In that case only bus is the perfect vehicle for you. Through which you can start the journey at any time.

But let’s say one thing, you will get two types of buses from Chittagong to Rajshahi. One is AC bus and other is non AC bus. You can enjoy these two types of facilities in the buses of this route. But in that case, if you want to travel in AC buses, you will have to pay some more fare.

So find out immediately without any further delay. (Non AC) and (AC) buses that depart from Chittagong to Rajshahi regularly.

(Non AC Bus)
Desh Travel, Shyamoli Paribahan NR, Grameen Travels, Saudia Coach Service, Sonia Enterprises. These non AC buses ply from Chittagong to Rajshahi route.

(AC bus)
Two AC buses ply on Chittagong to Rajshahi route,,,1. Country Travels 2. Rural Travels.

You have noticed several AC and Non AC buses here which may have heard about these buses before or have heard its name before because all these companies operate buses widely in Bangladesh so many buses of these companies also operate on Chittagong to Rajshahi route. In which you can reach Rajshahi very easily.

But those who are thinking of traveling from Chittagong to Rajshahi in these buses for the first time. Many of them do not know about the ticket price of this bus. So without further delay, find out immediately how much you have to pay for these buses from Chittagong to Rajshahi.

Chittagong to Rajshahi Bus Fare:
(Non AC)

Country Travel: 1000 Tk
Shyamoli Paribahan NR: 800 Tk
Grameen Travels: 800 Tk
Saudia Coach Service: 1000 Tk
Sonia Enterprise: 800 rupees rent

Chittagong to Rajshahi Bus Fare :
(AC bus)

Desh Travels: 2400 Tk

Rural Travels: 900 Tk

By now you might have come to know about AC and Non AC bus fares. So you don’t have to worry about renting all these buses from Chittagong to Rajshahi.

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