Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price
You may know that there are trains running in every region of Bangladesh. Also, most of the people in this country live with very little idea about trains. So today I will present all the information about the railway communication of each district of Bangladesh. We hope that the information provided by us will be very useful for you.
Trains are running from Dhaka to almost all regions of the country. Similarly, trains have been running from Dhaka to Narayanganj for a long time. So those of you who are thinking of taking the train from Dhaka to Narayanganj for the first time.
Many of them may still have no idea about Dhaka to Narayanganj train. So those of you who don’t know anything about those trains yet. They can know your unknown train related information through this post. Which is very important for you to know. The train goes from Dhaka to Narayanganj as usual. That train is Mail Express train.
Mail Express Train is an advanced shell train of Bangladesh Railway. This train has been traveling extensively in every region of Bangladesh without any glitch. So you will get all the train related information like train schedule and train fare or ticket through this post. You have to read our complete post to know all these unknown facts.
All the information that we have mentioned here is collected from the official website of Bangladesh Railway Office. So keep reading our post to know all that information. And understand all the things related to train from Dhaka to Narayanganj.
Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Schedule:
Train is one of the most popular means of transportation in Bangladesh. Where people feel comfortable moving around very easily. So the demand is very high. Train journeys are generally convenient as well as comfortable for people. By traveling by train people save a lot of time, people reach their destination in less time by traveling by train.
Those of you who want to go to Narayanganj from Dhaka. They will reach Narayanganj in 40 minutes only.
So let us know about trains and train schedule.
The train that runs from Dhaka to Narayanganj is the Mail Express train:
Narayanganj Commuter (2)
Departs from Dhaka at 05:30
Reach Narayanganj: 6:10 time
Narayanganj Commuter (4)
Departs from Dhaka at 13:40
Reach Narayanganj at 14:20
Narayanganj Commuter (6)
Departs from Dhaka at 22:20
Reached Narayanganj at 23:05
You will reach Narayanganj from Dhaka in just a short time by traveling by train. So train is the best mode of transportation for you. And traveling by train does not cause any physical fatigue.
Dhaka to Narayanganj Train Ticket/Fare List:
You will reach Narayanganj from Dhaka at the lowest cost by traveling only by train. Fare from Dhaka to Narayanganj is only Tk 15 (decorative seats). So common people don’t have to face any kind of difficulty in their journey. So train is the best mode of transportation for common people. By doing this you will reach your destination in much less time.
And you have to pay very less fare for traveling by train as compared to other modes of transport. So train is the best mode of transportation. All the information related to your train was unknown. We hope that you have come to know that information very easily through this post.
And all this information has been collected from the official website of Bangladesh Railway Office and presented to you. So that there is no disturbance in the train movement of common people. You will get the train information of all sections of Bangladesh on our website.
From which you can know many important information. Hope you all have understood all the information related to train from Dhaka to Narayanganj. So have a nice train journey.