Dinajpur To Parbatipur Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Many of you may have decided to go by train from Dinajpur to Parvatipur but I would say you have made a right decision as the train can give you a beautiful journey. You will notice more or less train movement on every route in Bangladesh. But you will get several trains from Dinajpur to Parvatipur. Through which you can enjoy a comfortable journey.
Also, journeys can be made by paying very low fares in trains. Because trains are state vehicles and the Bangladesh Railway office has set much less for the benefit of the people of this state. Due to which the general public can enjoy many benefits by traveling by train. So find out without delay. About Dinajpur to Parvatipur Train Schedule and Ticket Fare.
Dinajpur to Parvatipur Train Schedule:
From Dinajpur to Parvatipur you will get only two trains. These two trains are very well known and very high quality trains of Bangladesh. Below are the names of the two trains and their schedule.
The name of the train is Kanchan Commuter
Departs from Dinajpur: 15:55
Reach Parvatipur at 16:55
Holidays: None
The name of the train is Panchagarh Commuter 02
Departs from Dinajpur at 20:45
Reach Parvatipur at 21:35
Holidays: None
These two trains run regularly on Dinajpur to Parvatipur route. Due to which common people do not have any difficulty in traveling. According to these scheduled times, train passengers can arrive at the station and travel in these trains. If you want to go to Parvatipur through these trains. So know these times well.
Because you will never get a train at the station without this time. So according to this time you have to appear at the station. If you want to travel by trains.
Dinajpur to Parvatipur Train Ticket Price
Currently, you can travel by train in every part of Bangladesh with low fare. Dinajpur to Parvatipur train journey is the fare you have to pay. You can never go to other vehicles at that fare. Because traveling by means other than train will cost you a lot of fare. But you can get job only in train with less fare.
So if you want to travel through these trains. In that case you have to pay different fare. You can enjoy one of a kind facilities in the cabin. Due to which you have to pay different fares. You can take seat from the section as per your choice. In these trains you can travel in these categories including Shovan, Shovan Chair, Snigdha, First Seat, AC Berth.
You can enjoy different facilities in these cabins. Due to which you have to go for different fares. But if you want to rent the lowest amount. In that case you have to choose decorative category. You will have to pay 45 rupees as a result of journey from this Shobhan section. And if I want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. In that case you have to choose AC berth category.
You have to pay Rs 130 as rent for AC berth category. In return you can enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. Apart from the cables you see, they have different fillings and different facilities, but you have to buy tickets according to the category from which you want to travel.
Because without a ticket you cannot take a train journey. So definitely buy the ticket from the ticket counter of the station. You have got all the train related information from this article. All this information is collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. We disclose this information only for your convenience.