Golden Line Faridpur Bus Schedule, Counter Number & Ticket Price

Golden Line Faridpur Bus Schedule, Counter Number & Ticket Price

The Golden Line, a bus service owned by the Karim Group, is one of the most popular bus services in Bangladesh. This is one of the best bus service for those of you who want to travel from Dhaka to Faridpur and from Faridpur to Dhaka by bus.

This bus service is fast and has a powerful engine so you can reach Faridpur from Dhaka’s Gabtali in just three hours and Dhaka Gabtali from Faridpur. This will save you time as well as reduce your travel costs.

So for those of you who are interested to know the Green Line Bus Service Schedule Counter Number and Ticket Price for Faridpur to Dhaka, we have written this article today. Only for you, we have collected all the information from the Golden Line Authority and submitted it here.

Buses can be a safe and fast way for you to travel, which is why most people in Bangladesh feel comfortable to travel from one end to the other. In this case, if your destination is Faridpur, then Greenline is going to be the best end for you as this company has launched its own bus service all over the country.

Golden Line Faridpur Bus Schedule, Counter Number & Ticket Price

Golden Line has launched more than 30 buses from Faridpur to Dhaka out of which 10 buses are regularly plying from Gabtoli to Faridpur and from Faridpur to Gabtoli. The Green Line Bus Owners Authority always plays an important role in getting the passengers to their destination in the shortest possible time for the convenience of the passengers.

For those of you who are looking for the Golden Line Faridpur bus schedule, we have published the schedule here on behalf of the company and you can contact the counter number if you want to buy a ticket. Counter numbers are usually always open to their passengers. So you can find out the bus time ticket price by calling all these numbers.

Faridpur to Dhaka Bust Ticket Price

We have published the list of Golden Line Faridpur Bus Schedule Counter Number and Ticket Price at the bottom. So as a passenger you can collect information from us and use it on your journey.

  • Faridpur Counter, Faridpur District City, Phone: 01716-956340, 01713-488183.
  • Faridpur Counter, Faridpur District City, Phone: 01733-208865.
  • Bus Stand Counter, Faridpur District City, Phone: 0631-66988, 01755-522200.
  • Bhangarastar matha Counter, Faridpur District, Phone: 0631-65202, 01733-208877.
  • Janata Bank Junction Counter, Faridpur District, Phone: 0631-62244, 01733-208878.
We hope you find out about the Green Line bus schedule counter number ticket price based on the information we provide. So may your journey be much safer and you can travel safely from Faridpur to Dhaka.

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