
Joydebpur to Rajshahi Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Do you want to know about Joydevpur to Rajshahi train schedule and ticket fare? Then I’d say you’ve come to the right place. Because here we are going to discuss about the Jaidevpur to Rajshahi train schedule and fare. Also we will give some such tips in this article.

Which will be very useful for you in train movement all over Bangladesh. So read our complete articles to know all train schedule and fare. From which you can understand very easily. What do you need to do to travel by train from Joydevpur to Rajshahi?

Every region of Bangladesh has more or less travel. Due to which the people of this country can move from here to there very easily and comfortably. However, all these facilities have been given by the Bangladesh Railway office. Which is managed by the government. In this case, the movement of trains is reaching a stage of development day by day. At present, the trains of Bangladesh are very modern and these trains are operated by very modern engines. Know the trains that travel from Joydevpur to Rajshahi. About its timings and fares.

Joydevpur to Rajshahi Train Schedule:

From Joydevpur to Rajshahi you have to travel 201 km. Which is a long way. Trains are enough to travel long distances easily. Because when we journey on a long road, our body takes a lot of stress and still we get tired. But if we make the journey by train.

Then in that case there will be some sense of fatigue for our journey. Because traveling by train does not feel any jolt. And train passengers can reach their destination in much less time by train. The trains running from Joydevpur to Rajshahi and their schedule are given below.


Train Name Silk City Express (753)
Departs from Joydevpur at 15:58
Reach Rajshahi at 20:35
Holiday: Sunday

Train Name Padma Express (759)
Departs from Joydevpur at :00:01
Reach Rajshahi at :04:30
Holiday: Tuesday

Train Name Dhumketu Express (759)
Departs from Joydevpur at :06:57
Reached Dhaka at 11:53
Holiday: Saturday

These trains are constantly plying from Joydevpur to Rajshahi so the people going to Rajshahi do not have to face any kind of traffic problem so they can feel free to get the train as soon as they arrive at the station according to this time. If you want to go to Rajshahi through these trains. Then you have to know the times well. Because if you don’t know the timings well, you will get the train at the station. So these times should be known well.

Joydevpur to Rajshahi Train Ticket Price

Trains are the least expensive form of transport in Bangladesh. Because train is a state vehicle. And since it is run by the government, the citizens of this country can travel by train for very less money. If you want to travel from Joydevpur to Rajshahi in these trains then you can increase from minimum to maximum 310-930 taka.


There are many categories of seats available which can be checked at the station ticket counter. You can understand all the information about the fare of which category when you go to the ticket counter. Generally, all the categories of seats that are available in this train are, Sobhan Chair, Snigdha, SS Seat, AC Berth. These seat sections are available in the trains from Joydevpur to Rajshahi route.

Here you will get the best facilities from AC berth section, and you have to pay Tk 930 fare to take a seat from this section. Moreover, you will purchase tickets according to your interest from the ticket counter at the station, if you notice that the seats are occupied. Hope you got to know about Jaidevpur to Rajshahi train schedule and ticket fare. I don’t think there will be any difficulties.


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