
Kulaura to Akhaura Train Schedule with Ticket Price

Some trains run daily from Kulaura to Akhaura. Through which the people of this route can be seen traveling. No matter which part of Bangladesh you go to today. You can travel there by train. Because that opportunity has been made. Bangladesh Railway office which is managed by Govt.

You can go anywhere in Bangladesh by train. And can enjoy the benefits of trains. Traveling by train offers many benefits. For example, you can easily make a comfortable journey by train. And you can enjoy the beautiful scenery as a result of train travel.

And the most important thing is the rent. Train fares are always low. You can travel from Kulaura to Akhaura by train. You can never pay this same fare in other vehicles in Bangladesh. Because the fare of other vehicles is much higher. Only trains can take you at low fares.

Kulaura to Akhaura Train Schedule:


Train Name Paharika Express (720)
Departure time from Kulaura: 11:34
Reach Akhaura at 15:10
Holiday: Saturday

Train Name Udayan Express (724)
Departs from Kulaura at :22:51
Reached Akhaura at 01:55
Holiday: Sunday

Two inter-city trains regularly ply on this route on time due to which passengers can reach their destinations on time. If you want to go through these trains. Then you also have to appear at the station according to this time.

Kulaura to Akhaura Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)

Train Name Kushiara Express (18)
Departs from Kulaura :18:10
Reach Akhaura :23:50
Holidays: None

Train Name Sylhet Commuter (94)
Departs from Kulaura at :08:54
Reach Akhaura at 13:50
Holiday: Friday

Here also the two mail express train schedule you noticed. These two trains run according to their scheduled time. Apart from this time, the train never runs at the wrong time. Because it is fixed time from railway office. Due to which you have to move according to this time. If you are station of these trains then you must go to the station according to these times and catch the train.

Kulaura to Akhaura Train Ticket Fare List:

Currently, trains charge less fares than all other vehicles in Bangladesh. Because it is a government vehicle. Being government vehicles, low fares are charged for the convenience of the people of this country. So that the people of this country can travel by train very comfortably and conveniently.

You may all know that a small train has many cabins or compartments. All these cabins are given their own names such as Sobhan, Sobhan Chair, First Seat, Snigdha, AC, AC Berth. You can enjoy different facilities in all these cabins. And in return you have to pay different fees.

However, among all these cabins, you can go for the lowest fare from the Sobhan section. You have to pay 125 rupees fare to take a seat from decorative section. And if you want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. Then you have to take seat from AC berth. And in return you have to pay 501 rupees as rent. 501 you can enjoy the benefits of AC berth.

But no matter what danger you want to give this seat. For that you need to purchase tickets. And must purchase tickets from station ticket counter. Do not purchase tickets through any other person. This can make your train journey in vain.

By now you might have got all the information about Kulaura to Akhaura train. So I think you will not have any difficulty in traveling by train on this route.


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