
Kulaura to Sylhet Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Many people travel from Kulaura to Sylhet. Many people go to Sylhet from Kulaura for various jobs. All these people need good transport system to travel. Trains play a very important role as vehicles or to give people a better journey. It has been operating on every route in Bangladesh.

For example, there are many intercity and mail express trains running on the Kulaura to Sylhet route. Those of you who are thinking of traveling by train from Kulaura to Sylhet. They have come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. About Kulaura to Sylhet train schedule and ticket fare.

Not only that you will get some train related tips from this article. Which will be useful for train movement of whole Bangladesh. So know without further ado. Kulaura to Sylhet Route Intercity and Mail Express Train Schedule.

Kulaura to Sylhet Train Schedule:


Train Name Parbatya Express (709)
Departure from Kulaura: 11:27
Reach Sylhet at 13:00
Holiday: Tuesday

Train Name Jayantika Express (717)
Departs from Kulaura at 17:27
Reach Sylhet at 19:00 hrs
Holidays: None

Train Name Paharika Express (719)
Exceeded from Kulaura :16:26 time
Reach Sylhet at 18:00 hrs
Holiday: Monday

Train Name Urdan Express (723)
Departs from Kulaura at :04:37
Reach Sylhet at :06:00
Holiday: Saturday

Train Name and Upban Express (739)
Departs from Kulaura at :02:40
Reach Sylhet: 05:00 hrs
Holiday: Wednesday

Train Name Kalani Express (773)
Departs from Kulaura at :19:57
Reach Sylhet at 21:30
Holiday: Friday

Intercity trains that you noticed here. These trains run on this route regularly. So if you want to go to these trains. Then you have to appear at the station according to this time.

Kulaura to Sylhet Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)

Train Name Surma Mail (09)
Departs Kulaura: 09:52 Time
Reach Sylhet at 12:10
Holidays: None

Train Name Jalalabad Express (13)
Departs from Kulaura at 07:30
Reach Sylhet at 11:00
Holidays: None

Train Name Kushiara Express (17)
Departs from Kulaura at 12:05
Reach Sylhet at 14:00 hrs
Holidays: None

Train Name Sylhet Computer (93)
Departs from Kulaura at :19:37
Reach Sylhet at 21:55
Holiday: Friday

These mail express trains are plying on this route as per its schedule. Due to this reason the Erut train passengers do not have to face any confusion.

They can catch these trains from the station according to the fixed time. So if you want to get service of these trains. So know the times well. And arrive at the station as per this scheduled time. Only then you can catch the trains.

Kulaura to Sylhet Train Ticket/Fare List

The fare list of both the Intercity and Mail Express trains plying on the Kulaura to Sylhet route is the same. But these trains have many cabins. Cabins that you can rent separately. And in return you can enjoy different facilities. The cabins in a train are Shobhan, Shobhan Chair, First Seat, Snigdha, First Berth, AC, AC Berth.

If these are the names of a table here as the lowest cabin known as the decorative section if you want to go from this section. Then you have to pay 50 tk rent. And if you want to make the most of these cabins. Then you have to pay 202 rupees rent. In return you will get seat from AC berth category.


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