Bogra to Santahar Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Bogra to Santahar Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for Bogra to Santahar train schedule and ticket fare list. Then I’d say you’ve come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. About Bogra to Santahar train schedule and ticket fare list. Which may be very important for you to know.

You can also learn some tips related to trains from our article. Which will be very useful for your train movement across Bangladesh. So read our complete article with your friend and know the unknown information about Bogra to Santahar train.

From Bogra to Santahar you will get intercity and mail express trains. The trains which are very famous and high quality trains of Bangladesh. Nowadays inter-city trains offer many facilities such as the facility where you can sleep during the inter-city train journey. You will also get the facilities of food and prayer in intercity trains.

And mail express trains are operated by high-speed engines. Due to which there is no delay in reaching the destination. So know about Bogra to Santahar route train schedule and ticket fare.

Bogra to Santahar Train Schedule :



Train Name Karotaya Express (714)
Departs from Bogra at :21:21
Santahar arrives at :22:00
Holidays: None

Train Name Dolan Champa Express (768)
Departs from Bogra at 11:35
Santahar arrives at :12:25
Holidays: None

Train Name Lalmony Express (752)
Departs from Bogra at :13:04
Santahar arrives at 14:50
Holiday: Friday

Train Name Rangpur Express (752)
Departure time from Bogra: 23:14
Santahar arrives at :00:05
Holiday: Sunday

These intercity trains regularly run on Bogra to Santahar route as per this timing. Due to which common people can catch these trains only if they arrive at the station on time. So if you want to go through Santahar then you have to remember these times well. Because you cannot catch the train at the station without this fixed time

Bogra to Santahar Train Schedule:

(Mail Express)

Train Name North Bengal Mail (08)
Departs from Bogra at :21:24
Santahar arrives at :22:40
Holidays: None

Train Name Bogra Express (20)
Exceed from Bogra :10:59 time
Reached Santahar at 12:40
Holidays: None

Train Name Padmarag Express (22)
Departs from Bogra at 18:59
Santahar arrives at :20:10 time
Holidays: No

You can easily reach the evening through these mail express trains that you noticed here. For that you have to appear at the station station according to this fixed time.

Bogra to Santahar Train Ticket Fare List:

You can travel from Bogra to Santahar by these trains for very little money. You can travel in three categories through these trains. Ornaments, ornament chairs and first seats. If you want to go to Santahar by these trains from Shobhan division. Then you have to pay 45 rupees rent. And 50 rupees should be paid from the decorative chair department. Also there is another category that is first seat from this first seat category if you want to go to Santahar. Then you have to pay 90 rupees as rent.


However, the fares of these trains are much lower than most vehicles. So you know this day if you want to journey through the three sections. Must purchase tickets from station ticket counter. Because you can’t take the train journey to get the ticket home.

So definitely buy the ticket from the ticket counter. You have got the information about all the trains from our article. This information is collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. We publish this information only for your convenience.

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