Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Trains run from Dhaka to almost all regions of Bangladesh. There is a lot to know about these train movements. Like which train runs on which route. It is also necessary to have some idea about the timings and fares of those trains. Which we always give according to the instructions of Bangladesh Railway office.
You will get all the information you need to know through our post. So those of you who are thinking of going from Dhaka to Dewanganj by train. This post is very important for them. Because we provide information that is very important for people to know.
All the information we provide is train related information. Like which train runs on which route. And about all those train schedule, how much fare. Moreover, you can collect some tips from here which will be very useful for traveling by train all over Bangladesh. The trains that run from Dhaka to Dewanganj are (Inter-City) and (Mail Express) trains.
Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Schedule
Which travels to all parts of the country. So if you want to know about all those intercity train names, and schedule. Then you need to read this post completely.
- Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Schedule:
- Intercity trains except from Dhaka include.
Titus Express and Bakshaputra Express
These two trains have been plying from Dhaka to Dewanganj route for a long time. So those of you who are thinking of going by train from Dhaka to Dewanganj will reach Dewajganj from Dhaka very easily through this train.
(212) Kilometer distance from Dhaka to Dewanganj.
Since you have to travel a long distance then it is better to take your journey by train as train journey will make you reach your destination very comfortably.
Let us know about those trains and schedules:
Train Name : Titus Express (707)
The train departs from Dhaka at: 07:30
Reached Dewanganj: 12:40
Holiday: Monday
Train Name : Bakshaputra Express (743)
The train departs from Dhaka at: 18:15
Arrived Dewanganj: 23:50 time
Only the Titus Express is closed on Mondays and these two trains run on the Dewanganj route from Dhaka almost every day of the week.
By now you know the intercity train schedule.
Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)
Train Name: Dewanganj Jatri (45)
The train leaves from Dhaka at 05:40
Arrived Dewanganj: 11:40
Train Name: Bhawal Express (55)
The train departs from Dhaka at 21:20
Reached Dewanganj: 5:40
Train Name: Jamalpur Yatayat (51)
The train leaves from Dhaka at 15:40
Reached Dewanganj at 22:15
By now you know the schedule of mail express train from Dhaka to Dewanganj route.
Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Fare List
All the trains you have noticed are Antanagar and Mail Express. The fares of those trains are almost at the same level. However, the fare varies according to the seat. There are many categories. Different fares are charged in all those different categories.
Which you will choose according to your interest. You can book your seat in the train of your choice as per your availability. You have to take care of all these things. So that you don’t have to face any inconvenience in your train journey. You have to enter and take seat in the cabin of the category for which you will take the ticket.
And of course you have to be careful while collecting tickets. Check if you got the right ticket.
Only then will your trip be successful By now you may have got all the train related information through this post of ours so hopefully you will not have any problem in your train journey.