Dhaka to Joydevpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price
If you want to go from Dhaka to Joydevpur. Then I will tell you. Train is the only good mode of transportation. You can easily reach your destination by train. If you want to have a nice comfortable journey then you have to go by train. Because train is the most comfortable mode of transportation without any difficulty. And no feeling of fatigue comes from the train journey.
If we go somewhere by bus, then our body is subjected to a lot of stress due to that bus journey. Which is very harmful for the body. But traveling by train gets rid of all these pressures. So those of you who are thinking of going by train from Dhaka to Joydevpur. This post is very important for them.
You will get all the train related information from here. Which may be unknown to you. Here you can know a lot about train schedule and fares. So read our full article.
Dhaka to Joydevpur Train Schedule:
Almost many trains run from Dhaka to Joydevpur. If you don’t know about those trains. Know the names and timings of the trains.
Train Name Turag Express (01)
Departs from Dhaka:
Arrive at Joydevpur:
Train Name Turag Express (02)
Departs from Dhaka:
Arrive at Joydevpur:
Train Name: Joydevpur Commuter (01)
Departs from Dhaka:
Arrive at Joydevpur:
Train Name: Joydevpur Commuter (03)
Departs from Dhaka:
Arrive at Joydevpur:
The times you noticed. Train movement at any other time is absolutely impossible. Because train is the vehicle of time No longer available after timeout. So you have to catch the train on time. If you want to go from Dhaka to Joydevpur. Many trains run on Dhaka to Joydevpur route. So you choose your time and you can leave for your destination. Train journey can give you a wonderful time. Which is probably much better than any other vehicle.
Dhaka to Joydevpur Train Fare List:
All the trains that run from Dhaka. All those trains are fully chartered. But at any fare you can go from Dhaka to Joydevpur by train. In no other vehicle can you ever go for so little money. Trains plying on Dhaka to Joydevpur route. All those trains have the same fare. But if you want to collect tickets. Then you should remember our words well.
Train tickets are usually of many types. There are many categories. All those categories are. It is divided into decorative, decorative chairs, AC, non-AC etc. Among them the lowest rent is the decoration category. It has much better seating arrangements. Which you can take according to your ability.
First if you want to go somewhere by train. Then you need to collect tickets from TEN ticket counter. Of course you will purchase your ticket according to your preferred seat. So that there is no difficulty in the train journey. So it is important to buy tickets carefully.
The category ticket you have purchased while boarding the train. Of course you will sit in that departmental seat. Moreover, you may have to face a lot of harassment if you want to sit in any other category. Which is a very shameful thing for you. So all train information should be well kept in mind. By now you have received various information related to trains.
All of which have been collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. This information is provided for your convenience only. After getting all these information, I think you will not face any difficulty in your train journey.