
Dhaka to Tangail Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Almost many trains travel from Dhaka to Tangail. All those trains have been running daily from Dhaka to Tangail to those of you who want to come by train from Dhaka to Tangail, you have made the right decision. Because, train is a medium that no vehicle in Bangladesh can give you all these facilities. All the benefits you will get as a result of train journey. They are much better than other vehicles.

People traveling from Dhaka by Tangail train can reach Tangail from Dhaka with ease and comfort. People who are constantly moving from Dhaka to Tangail They do not have to face any difficulties. Because many trains run from Dhaka to Tangail.

Even the train does not have to stand for long at the station. Any train you will get very fast time. So you don’t have to face any trouble with the train. So those of you who are thinking of traveling by train from Dhaka to Tangail for the first time. This post is very important for them.

Because many of you still do not know the various information related to these trains. Which is very important for you to know. So read our articles completely to know all these unknown facts.

Dhaka to Tangail Train Schedule:

Many people travel to Tangail from Dhaka. Many have different means of transportation. As many feel comfortable going by bus. Many people prefer the train. But I would say train is a good mode of transportation for you. It will make your journey much nicer and easier.


Trains never leave except at scheduled times. The time when the train is supposed to leave. At that time the train started on its journey. So train is very careful about time. We will first get acquainted with all those trains. Through which you are interested to go from Dhaka to Tangail.

  • Dhumketu Express (769)
  • Sundarban Express (726)
  • Nilsagar Express (765)
  • Ekta Express (705)
  • Silk City Express (53)
  • Sirajganj Express (776)
  • Cheetah Express (764)
  • Lalmony Express (751)
  • Padma Express (759)

All the trains you noticed. All these trains are constantly running from Dhaka to Chittagong. So you can find your preferred train and reach your destination Tangail.

Train Name : Dhumketu Express (759)
The train leaves at :06:00
Arrives: 07:55
Holiday: Thursday

Train Name: Sundarban Express (726)
The train leaves at :08:15
Arrives: 09:45
Holiday: Tuesday
Train Name : Nilsagar Express (765)
Train leaves :06:40
Arrives at: 08:42
Holiday: Monday

Train Name: Ekta Express (705)
Train leaves: 10:10
Arrives: 12:05
Vacation: No

Train Name : Sirajganj Express (776)
Prem Chare :17:00
Arrives: 21:30
Holiday: Saturday

Name of the Train : Hrityan Express (757)
Train departs at 20:00
Arrives: 22:00
Vacation: No

Train Name : Silk City Express (776)
Train leaves :14:45
Arrives: 16:55
Holiday: Sunday

Train Name : Padma Express (759)
Train leaves :23:00
Arrives at :01:00
Holiday: Tuesday

You have noticed the schedule of the trains so far. You can reach your destination Tangail by these trains as per the time published here.

Dhaka to Tangail Train Fare List:

If you want to go from Dhaka to Tangail by train. Then you don’t have to pay much fare as train fares are already low compared to other modes of transport. If you want to come from Dhaka to Tangail, you need to collect a ticket according to your preferred seat from the ticket counter. Through which you will reach your destination.


Never enter a train without a ticket. So wherever you go in Bangladesh first collect a ticket from the ticket counter so that there is no trouble on the way to the train. Hope the information provided by us will make your train journey worthwhile.


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