Feni to Sylhet Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Feni to Sylhet Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Like every route few trains ply from Feni to Sylhet route. Through which people can pay Zakat. Distance from Feni to Sylhet is 297.7 km. That way is a long way. So I would say train should always be used for long distances.

Because traveling by train can easily travel long distances. Currently the trains in Bangladesh are now run by very modern and advanced engines. Due to which there is no delay in reaching the destination. As a result of going far away, the human body gets tired in many ways, due to which the human body has many difficulties and besides, people feel boring to travel a long way.

Feni to Sylhet Train Schedule

But if you travel long distances by train, you will not get physically ill. And can enjoy a very beautiful journey. So know the train schedule of Feni to Sylhet route.

Train Name Paharika Express (719)
Departure time from Feni: 10:31
Reach Sylhet at 18:00 hrs
Holiday: Monday

Train Name: Udyan Express (723)
Departs from Feni at :23:15
Reach Sylhet at :06:00
Holiday: Saturday

Train Name Jalalabad Express (13)
Departure from Feni at :21:56
Reach Sylhet at 11:00
Holidays: None

All the trains that you have noticed here and their schedule, you will get these trains on Feni to Sylhet route every day except holidays. But to catch these trains, you must keep these times in mind. According to this time you have to appear at the station.

Because trains don’t run without time, trains don’t run in time. So don’t waste your time. If you don’t reach the station on time you will miss this train. So the schedule of these trains and on which days these trains stop running. Take a good look at them.

Feni to Sylhet Train Ticket Price

You can go from Feni to Sylhet at the lowest price only by train. The railway office of Bangladesh gave that opportunity. Which is managed by the government. Train is a state vehicle in our country and the vehicle runs only for the convenience of the citizens of this country.


You may have traveled from Feni to Sylhet in many different vehicles. So the amount you have to pay due to traveling in those vehicles. You can return from Feni for much less fare than that. You can travel from Feni to Sylhet for as low as Tk 245. In return you will get a seat in the lowest section of the train from Sobhan.

And if you think you will take advantage of the highest seat category then you will have to pay Rs.1012 fare. In exchange for this money, you can enjoy the benefits of the highest seat category AC berth. Also there are many more seat categories in which you can enjoy different benefits at different fares.

But you will have to buy a ticket regardless of which section you want to come from. Must purchase train tickets from station ticket counter. And check the seat categories carefully while purchasing tickets. The seat for which you have requested the ticket. Check if you got it like this.

All the information you got from this article. These data are collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. We disclose this information for your convenience only. I think you will not have any difficulty after getting all these.

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