
Gaibandha to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for Gaibandha to Dhaka train schedule and list? But I’d say you’ve come to the right place. Because we are going to publish in this article about upcoming Gaibandha to Dhaka train schedule and ticket fare list. Which may be very important for you to know.

Also from this article you can know some tips related to trains. Which will help you a lot in train journey across Bangladesh. A few trains are seen plying on the Gaibandha to Dhaka route which carries a large number of passengers regularly. Passengers traveling in these trains can enjoy many facilities which are never available in other vehicles. Besides, the common people can go from one end to another end by train with a very low fare.

Similarly, the trains that ply from Gaibandha to Dhaka route can be traveled with low fare and enjoy a very comfortable journey. Because you don’t feel any jolt during the train journey. Due to which the train journey becomes a liability. So don’t delay and find out now. About Gaibandha to Dhaka train schedule and ticket fare list.

Gaibandha to Dhaka Train Schedule:

Trains that run from Gaibandha to Dhaka. Name of those trains and their schedule are given below.


Train Name Lalmony Express (752)
Departure from Gaibandha at :11:48
Reached Dhaka at 19:55
Holiday: Friday

Train Name Rangpur Express (752)
Departure from Gaibandha at :21:56
Reached Dhaka at 06:10
Holiday: Sunday

Those two trains are constantly running on Dhaka route from Gaibandha. Due to which the train passengers do not have to face any difficulties with the train. They can catch these trains if they arrive at the station on time.

So if you want to go to Dhaka through these trains. In that case, you need to know these times well. And according to this time you have to appear at the station. Because without this time you will not be able to catch ten so know these times well.

Gaibandha to Dhaka Train Ticket Price

You don’t have to pay much fare to travel from Gaibandha to Dhaka. Because the train charges less money. You can travel only by train at a very low fare compared to all other vehicles in Bangladesh. If you are traveling from Gaibandha to Dhaka train station, you can take different fares. These trains have different cabin arrangements like, Sobhan, Sobhan chair, Snigdha, First seat, AC, AC berth.

Among all these categories you can go for different fares. But if you want to rent the lowest amount. In that case you have to choose the decorative category. And if you want to go to Dhaka from this Shobhan section, you have to pay Tk 370 fare. But if you think these trains will enjoy maximum benefits.


In that case you have to travel from AC berth category for which you have to pay Rs 1335 fare. In exchange for which you can enjoy the maximum benefits of these trains.

Also there are more cabins in it. You can go for different fares. But no matter which section you go from. For this you need to purchase tickets from the ticket counter of the station according to that category. Without a ticket you cannot make a train journey.

So must purchase tickets before train journey. One thing to keep in mind, don’t buy tickets from anyone other than the ticket counter. This can cause your gene to fail. Because there are many extraordinary ones who cheat with fake tickets. So definitely buy the ticket from the ticket counter of the station.


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