
Gaibandha to Tangail Train Schedule 2023 Ticket Price, Time, Booking

Are you looking for Gaibandha to Tangail train schedule and ticket fare list? But I would say you have come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. About Gaibandha to Tangail train schedule and ticket fare list. Also we will tell you some train related tips in this article. Which will help you a lot in the train journey of Bangladesh.

Modern quality trains are running on every route in Bangladesh. The trains that are running in Bangladesh now. These trains are more modern and faster than before. Due to which passengers can travel in these trains through many facilities.

Just like the train that runs from Gaibandha to Tangail. This train is also a very famous and modern train of Bangladesh. It constantly moves on this route. Due to which the train passengers do not have to face any difficulty on this route. So for those of you who don’t know about the train schedule and ticket bar list of this route. Know them immediately. What time do these trains run and how much fare you have to pay to travel on this train?

Gaibandha to Tangail Train Schedule:

Many of you do not know the schedule of this train running from Gaibandha to Tangail Lalmoni Express 752. So below is the schedule of this train.

Train Name Lalmony Express (752)
Departure from Gaibandha : 11:48 hrs
Arrive Tangail at 17:50
Holiday: Friday

This Lalmoni Express train runs regularly on this route due to which the train passengers do not have to face any difficulty they can catch these trains very easily if they arrive at the station according to the specified time.

So those of you who are thinking of going to Tangail on this Lalmony Express train should know these times well. Because these trains run outside this time. And if you can’t attend this time. But you can never catch these trains again. So be sure to know the timings well in this train.

Gaibandha to Tangail Train Ticket Fare List:

From Gaibandha to Tangail you will have to pay a very low fare if you travel by train. Because the only train in Bangladesh operates at a low fare. Trains are state vehicles in Bangladesh and are operated by the state. So for the convenience of the common people of this country, the Bangladeshi Railway Office has fixed the fare at a very low rate. And according to that scaffolding, train passengers can enjoy many benefits by traveling.

But you can go to Tangail from Gaibandha in different fares. Because this train has different cabin arrangements which can be availed at different fares. If you want to travel on these trains with the least amount of money. Then in that case you have to journey from Sobhon category. You have to pay a fare of 305 taka to journey from this shobhan section. In exchange for which you can enjoy the minimum convenience of this train.

And if you want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. In that case you have to travel from AC berth category. To travel from this AC berth section you have to pay a fare of Rs.1090. Also these trains have many other arrangements. In which you can enjoy different benefits in different ways. But no matter which category you choose to journey from. You must purchase tickets for this. Because without a ticket you cannot take a train journey.

But do not purchase tickets through any person other than the counter. This can ruin your journey. Because there are many dishonest people. Who are cheating people with fake tickets. So definitely buy the ticket from the ticket counter at the station.


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