
Laksam to Comilla Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Many of you might be thinking about Laksam to Comilla train. But many people may not have any idea about the trains on this route, which trains run on this route and if you want to know about the schedule and fare of all these trains.

Then I would say you have come to the right place as we are going to reveal in this article about Laksam to Comilla train schedule and ticket fare. Intercity and Mail Express trains run from Laksam to Comilla.

Due to which the train passengers of this route do not have to face any inconvenience with any train. They can catch the train whenever they arrive at the station. Between inter-city and mail express trains, you can enjoy the most convenience in inter-city trains.

These are the facilities that you can enjoy in intercity trains. You can sleep during the journey. Intercity trains have sleeping arrangements. There are also arrangements for food and prayers. You can even enjoy intercity train journeys. It will be much easier for the distance.

Also by mail express train you can reach comments in much less time. All these trains are operated by modern and speedy engines due to which there is no delay in reaching the destination. So without further ado, know the schedule of Intercity and Mail Express trains.

Laksam to Comilla Train Schedule



Train Name Mahanagar Twilight Express (703)
Departs from Laksam at 17:15
Arrive Comilla at :14:46
Holidays: None

Train Name Coastal Express (711)
Departs from Laksam at :07:30
Arrive Comilla at :08:00
Holiday: Wednesday

Prem Naam Paharika Express (719)
Departs from Laksham at 11:25
Arrive Comilla at :12:05
Holiday: Monday

Train Name Mahanagar Express (721)
Departs from Laksham at 14:53
Arrive Comilla at :15:20
Holiday: Saturday

Train Name Udyan Express (723)
Departs from Laksam: 00:01 Time
Reached Comilla at 00:30
Holiday: Sunday

Intercity trains ply on this route as per this fixed timing. Due to which the people of this route do not have any time for intercity train movement. Only if they arrive at the station on time. Can catch these trains. If you want to go through these trains. Then you also have to appear at the station according to its time.

Laksam to Comilla Train Schedule:
(Express by Mail)

Train Name Laksam Commuter (79)
Departs from Laksham at 20:35
Arrive Comilla at :21:05
Holidays: None

Train Name Chandpur Commuter (81)
Departs from Laksam : 11:55 hrs
Time to reach Comilla: 12:20
Holiday: Friday

Train Name Chandpur Commuter (83)
Departs from Laksam at :19:05
Arrive Comilla: 19:45 hrs
Holiday: Friday

Train Name Noakhali Commuter (85)
Departs from Laksham at 12:10
Arrive Comilla at :12:55 hrs
Holiday: Friday

The time when these mail express trains noticed you. These times are officially determined by Bangladesh Railways. Due to which mail express trains run on this route according to this specific time. But if you want to go on these trains. Then you should know these times well.

Laksam to Comilla Train Ticket Price

Intercity and Mail Express trains plying on the Laksam to Comilla route have the same fares, but fares vary depending on the section. On this route you can reach Comilla with a minimum fare of 45 to 150 taka. 145 taka bro you will get seat from shobhan category. And will get seat from AC berth category for 150 tk.



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