
Ishwardi to Biman Bandar Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for Ishwardi to Biman Bandar route train schedule ticket fare list. But I’d say you’ve come to the right place. Because we are going to publish in the article. About Ishwardi to Biman Bandar route train schedule and ticket fare list. Which may be very important for you to know. Besides, you can know some tips from our article. Which will help you a lot in train journey across Bangladesh.

More or less trains run on every route in Bangladesh. Similarly, some intercity trains also operate from Ishwardi on the airport route. Those trains are very famous and important trains of Bangladesh. Among all the trains in Bangladesh, the intercity trains are very advanced and provide good quality service.

All the facilities that intercity trains have. They are the ones you can sleep on during the journey. There is also a sleeping area for you. There are also arrangements for food and prayers. Through which you can have a smooth train journey. So find out immediately without any further delay. Ishwardi to Biman Bandar route train schedule and ticket fare list.

Ishwardi To Biman Bandar Train Schedule:


Many intercity trains ply on the airport route from Ishwardi. Know the name and schedule of all these trains.


Train Name Sundarban Express (725)
Except from Ishwardi :02:15 time
Arrived at the airport at 06:25
Holiday: Tuesday

Train Name Silk City Express (754)
Departs from Ishwardi at :08:36
Arrived at the airport at 12:53
Holiday: Sunday

Name of the train Hrityan Express (758)
From Ishwardi :14:37 time
Arrived at the airport at 18:22
Holidays: None

Train Name Padma Express (760)
Departs from Ishwardi at 17:00
Arrived at the airport at :31:09
Holiday: Tuesday

Train Name Cheetah Express (764)
Departs from Ishwardi at 13:15
Arrived at the airport at 17:27
Holiday: Monday

These intercity trains ply regularly on this route. Due to which the train passengers of this route do not have to face any difficulty with the train, they can catch these trains only if they arrive at this station according to the specified time. So if you want to go to airport by these intercity trains. In that case, you also need to know the schedule of these trains well. And you can catch these trains only if you arrive at the station as per this scheduled time.

Ishwardi to Biman Bandar Train Ticket Fare List:

You don’t have to pay too much fare to get to the airport from Ishwardi. If you went by train. But if you want to go to airport from Ishwardi by other vehicles. In that case you have to pay double amount of rent. Because only trains in Bangladesh run for a small amount of money. Which is very convenient for common people.

As you all know there are many different cabins in a train. In which different benefits can be enjoyed. And different fares are to be paid for it. So if you want to travel in these intercity trains at lowest fares. In that case you have to take the seat from the decorative category. If you want to take a seat from the decorative section, you have to pay a fare of Tk. 245.


And if you want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. In that case you have to travel from AC berth category. You have to pay Rs 880 as rent for AC berth category. In exchange for which you can enjoy the maximum benefits of these trains.

It also has many other cables that you can travel on at different fares regardless of the section you wish to travel from. As a result you have to purchase the ticket from the ticket counter of the station according to that category. Because you cannot do train journey without train ticket. Therefore, it is important to buy the ticket according to the cabin of your choice before the train journey.


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