Joydebpur to Chuadanga Train Schedule & Ticket Price
If you want to go from Joydevpur to Chuadanga. Then I would say train is the only good and easy way for you. Through which you can reach your destination Chuadanga very happily and comfortably. The distance from Joydevpur to Chuadanga is not very short. Trains always play a role to cover such a long distance.
Every person needs to travel by train. Because all the pictures that you can enjoy in train, you will never get in other vehicles. You can travel by train through the Kishore facilities. They are that by traveling by train you can reach your destination very easily and in less time. Moreover, the passengers do not feel any fatigue as a result of the train journey, they can travel for hours.
Inter-city trains operate on Chuadanga route from Tumi Joydevpur. Passengers can enjoy more convenience through intercity trains. Because Intercity is the most modern and offers more facilities in Bangladesh. All the benefits you will enjoy by traveling by intercity train. That is, you can sleep there if you get tired on the way. Sleeping arrangements are also available for you. And you can buy food on intercity trains. There is also that arrangement.
Joydebpur to Chuadanga Train Schedule
Apart from this, it also offers prayers and entertainment through which the journey can be completed easily. So know the schedule of this intercity train.
Train Name Sundarban Express (726)
Departs from Joydevpur at :09:12
Reached Chuadanga at 14:41
Holiday: Wednesday
This intercity train is plying on Jaydevpur to Chuadanga route as per its schedule. So if you want to go to Chuadanga by train then you have to arrive at the station as per this schedule.
Joydevpur to Chuadanga Train Ticket Price
You can reach Chuadanga by this intercity train from Joydevpur with a very low fare of Rs. Bangladesh Railway office has given this facility for all the citizens of this country. Which is managed according to the government. The people of this country can enjoy many benefits as the train department is government. One of them is rent.
You may know that there are many categories of seats in a train which are included in different facilities. Shobhan, shobhan section, first seat, snigdha, first berth, AC, AC berth in a train.
All these names are divided into one cable of the train. If you want to go to Chuadanga from the lowest seat category of these trains then you have to pay 300 rupees fare. In return you will get a seat from the lowest category in a train. And if you want to take a seat from the highest category AC berth then you will have to pay Tk 1075 for the fare and you will get the highest service in return.
Also, you can go in different ways in the seat sections that have birds. But you can buy any category ticket from here as per your choice or affordability. However, if you want to buy a ticket, you must go to the ticket counter of the station and collect the ticket. Do not take tickets given by other people. Because many times many dishonest people steal money from people by giving them fake tickets at the station. So to avoid these people you must buy tickets from the ticket counter.
And know about the ticket well before buying the ticket. Check the ticket price and whether you got the ticket from your preferred seat category. A lot of mistakes happen at the ticket counter. Due to which other category tickets may be given to you. So buy tickets carefully. If you can understand all these things well. Then I think your friend will not have any problem.