
Joydebpur to Khulna Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Many people travel from Joydevpur to Khulna. But they need vehicles. So people are traveling by bus, micro, train and many other types of vehicles. However, among all these vehicles, trains are known as the best and risk-free vehicles. Because train is such a vehicle. Through which you can enjoy many benefits by journeying. Benefits that can never be expected from other vehicles.

When we are traveling in a bus, our body gets tired in many ways due to the long journey in the bus. Because there is a lot of noise during bus travel. Moreover, the bus journey is not so good due to many kinds of stench. But with train journey we can stay away from all these inconveniences. No jhaki can be felt while traveling by train. Moreover, there is no smell of oil or anything else. So train journey is a good journey.

So those of you who are thinking of traveling by train from Joydevpur to Khulna have made a right decision. If you don’t know the train and its schedule on this route. Then read our articles below to know. Joydevpur to Khulna Train Schedule

Joydevpur to Khulna Train Schedule:

The distance from Joydevpur to Khulna is almost long. For this reason every person should choose train for traveling long distances. By traveling by train, people can reach their destinations in much less time. Due to which people’s time is not wasted. And people can show up to their work on time.

Only two trains ply on Joydevpur to Khulna route. So if you are thinking of going by train then you have to go on both these trains and for that you have to keep these times in mind. The schedule of two trains traveling from Joydevpur to Khulna is given below.


Train Name Sundarban Express (726)
Departs from Joydevpur at :09:12
Reach Khulna at 16:00
Holiday: Wednesday

Train Name Cheetah Express (764)
Departs from Joydevpur at 19:20
Reach Khulna at :03:40
Holiday: Monday

Joydevpur to Khulna Train Ticket Price

From Joydevpur you can reach Khulna at very low cost. You will never have to worry about fares in train travel. If you travel from Joydevpur to Khulna by any bus then you have to pay a lot of fare which is very less than you will reach Khulna by train.

Common people have benefited a lot in this aspect. Common people don’t have to worry about the fare. They have been traveling by train for a long time. Generally a train has many different cabin arrangements such as,,, Sobhan,, Sobhan chair,,,First seat,,Snigdha,,AC and AC berth.


You can enjoy various benefits in these seat categories. Because of that you have to pay separate rent. AC berth section is known as the highest seat section here. If you want to go from Joydevpur to Khulna in this split then you have to pay Tk 1425 fare.

And if you want to go from the lowest seat category Shobhan then you have to pay Rs 395 fare. You have got all the train related information from our article. The information about all these trains has been collected from Bangladesh Railway official website.

We collect this information for your convenience only. And I try to express it to you. So that the common man does not have to face any kind of harassment with all these train schedules and fares. After getting this information, I don’t think you will face any further difficulties.


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