
Khulna to Joydebpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for a list of Joydebpur train schedule and ticket rental from Khulna. But I would say you have come to the right place. Because we’re going to publish in this article. All trains that run from Khulna to Joydevpur. He is about the trains’ schedule and ticket rental list. Which may be very important for you.

You will also find some tips from this article. Which will work a lot in the train journey of your Bangladesh all over Bangladesh. More and more trains can be noticed in every root of Bangladesh. Trains that are government vehicles in Bangladesh. Every train in Bangladesh is operated according to the government.

Because of this, the general public can enjoy many benefits by traveling train. Trains allows you to enjoy a very comfortable journey by moving. Because there is no jerk during the train. Due to which the train journey is very smooth. Also, the most advantage of the general public by traveling the train is the rent. You can travel to the train to rent less money. It will never do it in other vehicles.

Because the train is Bangladeshi government vehicles, the train authorities are very low for the benefit of the people of this country. So do not raise the word anymore. Trains from Khulna to Joydebpur route are scheduled and rental list.

Khulna to Joydebpur train schedule:

(Inter -city)

An inter -city train operates from Khulna to Joydebpur route. This inter -city train is a very well -known train in Bangladesh. Below is the name of the train and its schedule.

The name of the train is Sundarbans Express (120)
Exit from Khulna: 22: 1 time
Arrives by Joydevpur: 1: 3
Holidays: Tuesday

These inter -city trains regularly rode from Khulna to Joydevpur. Here you notice the time you noticed. This time the Bangladesh Railway Office is officially scheduled. Because of this, the trains are moving according to this time. So if you want to travel from Khulna to Joydevpur on these trains. In that case you need to remember these times well.

Khulna to Joydebpur train ticket rent list:

You may all know all the trains that operate in Bangladesh. They are known as government trains. So since the trains are operated by the government. In that case, the people of this country have many benefits by traveling train.

Because of the train journey you have to pay very little money. You can travel a lot less money by traveling on any route than other vehicles. But if you want to go through these trains. In that case you can go to different fares. Because these trains have different cabin systems. And you will find different facilities in all the cabins. Normally decorative, decorative chairs, first seat, snigdha, AC, AC berth.


But if you want to rent the lowest money through these trains. In that case you have to choose the decorative section. As a result of Jangipur from the Suman Division, you will have to pay 5 rupees. And if you want to enjoy the maximum benefits of these trains. In that case you have to leave the AC Birth section. As a result of this Journey from this AC Birth Department, you will have to pay Tk 120.

In return, you can enjoy maximum benefits. These inter -city trains are also more cabins. Which you can go to different rooms. But no matter what the cabin you want to leave. According to that cabin you have to buy a ticket. Because without a ticket you cannot travel the train.


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