
Ullapara to Khulna Train Schedule 2023 Ticket Price, Time, Booking

Are you looking for Ullapara to Khulna train schedule ticket fare list. But I’d say you’ve come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. About Ullapara to Khulna train schedule and ticket fare list. Which may be very important for you to know. You can also know some tips from this article. Which will be very useful in your train journey across Bangladesh.

At present more or less train movement can be observed in every route of Bangladesh. Trains which have fixed time and fixed fare list which many of you may not know. Some intercity trains run from Ullapara to Khulna. These trains are some of the very important and well-known trains of Bangladesh. Through which you can enjoy many benefits. And can enjoy a very good quality journey.

At present you can enjoy more benefits in intercity trains than all the trains in Bangladesh. For example, you can sleep while traveling in intercity trains. There is also a sleeping arrangement for you. Also, inter-city trains have good facilities for prayers along with food and drink. Through which you can enjoy a very beautiful moment. So still know Ullapara to Khulna route train schedule and ticket fare list.

Ullapara to Khulna Train Schedule:


Train Name Sundarban Express (726)
Departs from Ullapara at 11:45
Reach Khulna : 17:40 time
Holiday: Wednesday

Train Name Cheetah Express (764)
Departs from Ullapara at :22:09
Reach Khulna at 03:40
Holiday: Monday

Inter-city trains regularly run on the Ullapara to Khulna route as per this schedule. Due to which the train passengers of this route do not have to face any difficulty with the train.

These trains can be caught only if you arrive at Ullapara station according to this specific time. So if you want to go to Khulna by this intercity train. In that case you also need to know these times well. And should appear at the station according to the specified time.

Ullapara to Khulna Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)

Train Name Mahananda Express (16)
Departs from Ullapara at :07:55
Reach Khulna : 16:40 time
Holidays: None

These mail express trains depart from Ullapara station according to the specified time and reach Khulna station according to the specified time. So there is no inconvenience to the passengers. So want to go on these mail express trains. Then you should know the times well.

Ullapara to Khulna Train Ticket Fare List:

Ullapara to Khulna fares are not too high if you travel by train. Because the train charges less money. You may all know that every train in Bangladesh is government. Due to which train fares are set at very low rates for the benefit of the people of this country. By enjoying these facilities, train passengers can have a very economical journey.

But you can travel on these trains in different ways. Because these trains have different cabins. And they have to pay different fares due to different facilities. So if you want to go for the lowest rent. In that case you have to go from the decorative section. You will have to pay 255 rupees as a result of journey from Shobhan section.

And if you want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. In that case you have to take seat from AC berth section. You have to pay Tk 920 fare to take seat from AC berth section. You have come to know the train related information from our website. All these information are collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. We disclose this information for your convenience only.

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