Trains run on every route in Bangladesh. Similarly, intercity and mail express trains are also seen on the Laksam to Dhaka route. A lot of people can be seen traveling in the bread trains from Laksam to Dhaka. Why not the North trains are some of the modern trains in Bangladesh.
Currently, all the trains in Bangladesh are modernly constructed. And Bangladeshi trains are operated by high speed engines. Due to which there is no delay in reaching the destination of people. And people can enjoy many benefits due to train travel. People can travel by train very comfortably. Train passengers do not have to face any inconvenience as in other modes of transport.
When we travel by bus. Then as a result of that journey, our body is very tired. Because the journey by bus causes a lot of stress. And due to all these stress the body gets tired. Moreover, many types of stench make people sick as a result of bus journey. However, train passengers can avoid all these inconveniences by traveling by train.
Hence the intercity and mail express trains plying on Laksam to Dhaka route. Find out about their schedule and fares.
Laksam to Dhaka Train Schedule
Train Name: Mahanagar Twilight Express (703) departs from Laksham at 17:15
Reached Dhaka at 21:25
Holidays: None
Train Name Coastal Express (711)
Departs from Laksam at :07:30
Reached Dhaka at 11:07
Holiday: Wednesday
Train Name Mahanagar Express (721)
Departs from Laksham at 14:53
Reached Dhaka at 18:32
Holiday: Sunday
Train Name: Turna Express (741)
Departs from Laksam at :01:17
Reached Dhaka at :04:39
Holidays: None
These intercity trains run regularly as per the schedule. These times are the scheduled time of Bangladesh Railway office.
Laksam to Dhaka Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)
Train Name Dhaka Mail (01)
Departs from Laksam at :01:00
Reached Dhaka at 06:50
Holidays: None
Train Name Karnaphuli Express (03)
Departs from Laksam at :13: time
Reached Dhaka at 19:45
Holidays: None
Train Name Dhaka Express (11)
Departs from Laksam at :22:55
Reached Dhaka at 06:40
Holidays: None
Train Name Chatla Express (67)
Departs from Laksam at :10:53
Reach Dhaka at 15:35
Holiday: Tuesday
The timings of these mail express trains are given here. Operates on this route according to this time. Due to which people do not have to get confused about time. Train passengers can catch these trains if they arrive at the station according to this time. So if you want to go to these intercity and mail express trains.
Then these times should be well remembered. Because you will never get a train at the station without this time. So know the times.
List of Laksam to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
The fares of intercity and mail express trains on this route are almost at the same level, but these trains have different categories of cabins that offer different facilities and charge different fares. In these trains you can travel to Dhaka with a minimum fare of Tk 190 in exchange for which you will get a seat from the lowest category Sobhan.
And if you want to move from the AC berth to the highest seat category. Then you have to pay Tk 777 fare in exchange for which you can enjoy maximum benefits in a train. There are also more cabin systems that are rented separately. But of course no matter which category you want to get seat from. Accordingly you have to purchase the ticket from the station ticket counter.