Mymensingh to Dewanganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Mymensingh to Dewanganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Many of us travel from one end of the country to the other. In the same way, many people travel from Mymensingh to Dewanganj. And all people need vehicles for their transportation, that’s why people use different types of vehicles besides buses, trains, micros. Mymensingh to Dewanganj is 103.6 kilometers. That’s a long way.
So I would say if you want to go from Mymensingh to Dewanganj you should go by train. Because trains provide a comfortable journey. And to travel a long way, traveling by train will be very good for people, in this case, there will be no fatigue in the human body.

So those of you who are thinking of going to Dewanganj train from Mymensingh. Many of them may not have any idea about the schedule and fare of these trains. So read our complete post to know all these facts. You will understand after reading this. What time will you get train from Mymensingh to Dewanganj? And how much can you rent? Below are the trains on this route and their timings.

Mymensingh to Dewanganj Train Schedule:


Train Name Teesta Express (707)
Departure time from Mymensingh: 10:20
Reached Dewanganj at 12:40
Holiday: Monday

Train Name: Bakshaputra Express (743)
Departs Mymensingh at 21:15
Reached Dewanganj at 23:50
Holidays: None

These inter-city trains have been plying on both routes for a long time due to which people can freely travel in these trains.

Mymensingh to Dewanganj Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)

Some mail express trains run from Mymensingh to Dewanganj. The trains which are known to be very standard and speedy trains.

Train Name Dewanganj Commuter (47) departs from Mymensingh at 09:02
Reached Dewanganj at 11:40
Holidays: None

Train Name Jamalpur Commuter (51)
Departure from Mymensingh at 19:15
Reached Dewanganj at 22:15
Holidays: None

The name of the train is Bhawal Express
Departure time from Mymensingh: 01:20
Reached Dewanganj at 05:40
Holidays: None

These mail express trains are plying on this route as per schedule. You can easily reach Debaganj through these trains.

Mymensingh to Dewanganj Train Ticket Price

Traveling in any vehicle requires us to pay its fare. Similarly, you have to pay fares for traveling by train. But you have to pay much less fare than other vehicles. As the train is a government vehicle, it fetches low fare from common people. From Mymensingh to Dewanganj through these trains you can reach Dewanganj at a minimum of 80 taka. For this laugh money you will get seat from the lowest seat category Sobhan.


And if you want to seat from the highest seat category AC berth category then you have to pay 363 rupees fare in exchange of this 363 rupees you will get a seat from the highest seat category of a train.

However, to travel by train, you must purchase a ticket from the station. You cannot travel by train without a ticket. So you will purchase tickets from the seat category as per your convenience. By getting this information from us, your Mymensingh to Dewanganj train journey will be much easier.

The information you got through this post. This information is collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. We disclose this information only for your convenience. And through our website you will get various information related to trains all over Bangladesh. Information that is very important for every person to know. So many times you may not have to face any difficulties. On the train journey. So hope your journey is sweet.

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