
Narsingdi to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for Narsingdi to Dhaka route train schedule and ticket fare list? But I would say you have come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. About train schedule and ticket fare list on Narsingdi to Dhaka route.

Also you can know some train related information from this article. Which will be very useful for you in train movement of whole Bangladesh. You will find many intercity and mail express trains for Narsingdi to Dhaka route. Through which you can reach Dhaka very comfortably.

Rail intercity trains run on Narsingdi to Dhaka route. You can enjoy many benefits with these intercity trains. Which is never possible in other trains. Intercity trains are the most convenient in Bangladesh. Because these intercity trains provide various facilities. As you can sleep during the journey. There is sleeping space for you in this train. Besides, there are many means of eating, drinking and entertainment. Through which you can complete your journey.

Also mail express trains are very good quality trains. Due to the high speed engine, the train passengers do not have to face any difficulties. Train passengers can travel from Narsingdi to Dhaka route for a very low fare. You know Narsingdi to Dhaka North train schedule and ticket fare list.

Narsingdi to Dhaka Train Schedule:




Train Name Coastal Express (711)
Departs from Narsingdi at 10:25
Reached Dhaka at 11:07
Holiday: Wednesday

Train Name Mahanagar Express (721)
Departs from Narsingdi at 17:45
Reached Dhaka at 18:32
Holiday: Sunday

Name of the train is Egaro Sindur Prabhati (738).
Departs from Narsingdi at 09:10
Reached Dhaka at 09:55
Holidays: None

Train Name: Eleven Vermilion Twilight (750)
Time: 15:38 from Narsingdi
Reached Dhaka at 16:23
Holiday: Wednesday

The intercity trains that you have noticed here are running daily according to the specific timings. If you want to go to Dhaka through these trains. Then you have to reach the station according to this time and catch.

Narsingdi to Dhaka Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)

Train Name Dhaka Mail (01)
Departure from Narsingdi at :05:07
Reached Dhaka at 06:55
Holidays: None

Train Name Karnaphuli Express (03)
Departs from Narsingdi at 17:47
Reached Dhaka at 19:45
Holidays: None

Train Name Surma Mail (10)
Departs from Narsingdi at 06:25
Reached Dhaka at 09:15
Holidays: None

Train Name Dhaka Express (11)
Departure from Narsingdi at :03:05
Reached Dhaka at 06:40
Holidays: None

Here you can find the mail express train and its schedule. These trains run according to specific timings. Due to which train passengers do not have to suffer. So if you want to go to Dhaka through these trains. So know them well at this time

Narsingdi to Dhaka Train Ticket Price

You can travel through these trains in different fares. Because the cabins of these trains are divided into different categories. Such as Shobhan, Shobhan Chair, Snigdha, First Seat, AC Perth are the divided train cabins. Here if you want to go from the lowest decoration category to the highest AC berth category. Then you have to pay rent from 60 to 236 taka.


There are other categories in between. They will purchase the ticket according to the list at the ticket counter of the rental station. But no matter what danger you choose to take the seat. In return you have to ticket you cannot travel. So definitely buy the ticket before traveling by train.


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