Rajshahi to Natore Train Schedule & Ticket Price, Online Booking
If you want to travel from Rajshahi to Natore by train. Then you have made a right and beautiful decision.
Which will give you a beautiful moment. The moment you can move from Rajshahi to Natore without any hassle. So train is the best mode for you. Train is one of the transportation in Bangladesh. Which is managed by the state. And all the facilities that are available through train travel.
All these facilities are not available in any other vehicle. Trains play a very important role in people’s lives. So those who are thinking of going by train from Rajshahi to Nato. But how many will go. Or you don’t have any idea about the trains of this route. We have given the information about all those trains here. Which is very important for you.
You can know about trains through this post of ours. And you can know all the detailed information about the train schedule and train fare. So read the following articles completely.
Rajshahi to Natore Train Schedule:
Train Name Varendra Express (731)
Departs from Rajshahi at 15:00 hrs
Natore Arrives : 16:18 Time
Holiday: Sunday
Train Name Titumir Express (733)
Departs from Rajshahi at 06:20
Natore arrives at :07:47
Holiday: Wednesday
Train Name Uora Express (31)
Departs from Rajshahi at 12:30
Natore arrives at :14:30
Holidays: No
These intercity trains run regularly on the Nator route from Rajshahi. So if you want to go to Natore on these trains. But know these times well. And you can catch these trains if you arrive at the station according to the specified time.
Rajshahi to Natore Train Ticket Fare List:
From Rajshahi we often go to different places in the country. In many vehicles. But a lot of money has to be paid during those movements. But if we travel by train to all those places. Then our rent money will be very affordable.
All the rules and regulations of the train are running according to the orders of the Bangladesh Railway office. So common people do not have to face any difficulties. All those trains run on time. There is no waste of time for the common man.
If you want to go somewhere by train. Then you need to collect tickets first. And you will get all those tickets at the railway station ticket counter. You can purchase tickets as per your choice and within your affordability.
Apart from that, the train fare calculation varies. A train has many different seating arrangements. They are Shobhan, Shobhan Chair, Snigdha, First Seat, AC Berth. From there you will purchase a ticket according to the seat you can afford. From the ticket counter.
Then you don’t have to face any problem on your journey. Hope you have a good journey.
If you want to go on these trains for the lowest fare. In that case you have to go from the decorative section. If you want to go to Natore from this ornamental category.
In that case you have to pay 60 rupees as rent. Also if you want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. In that case you have to take seat from the soft section. For this you have to pay 120 rupees rent. In exchange for which these trains can enjoy maximum benefits.
It also has many more cabins. In which you can go to Natak from Rajshahi at different fares. But no matter which category you go for seat.
You have to purchase the ticket according to that category and make the train journey. Because you cannot do train journey without ticket. So no matter which route you go for train journey in Bangladesh. First of all buy tickets according to the category of your choice from the ticket counter.