
Sylhet to Akhaura Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Distance from Sylhet to Akhaura is about 151.6 km. A long way. And many people are traveling from Sylhet to Akhaura by passing this long way. People use many types of vehicles for commuting. There are many types of vehicles running in Bangladesh such as buses, micros, trains and many other types of vehicles are also seen. All the vehicles through which we travel constantly.

But we all can guess which of these vehicles is risk-free and convenient for us. In my opinion train is a wonderful vehicle through which people can travel without any risk and with many conveniences. So all the people who travel from Sylhet do it. For them train is the only good mode of transportation. From which people can enjoy a very beautiful journey.

That’s why all the trains that run from Sylhet to Akhaura. These trains are very modern trains of Bangladesh. As a result of which transportation brings many benefits in people’s daily life. If you want to have a comfortable journey from Sylhet to Akhaura. Then train will play a lot role as suitable transport for you.

Those who want to go from Sylhet to Akhaura by train should read our complete articles from which you will understand all the information about what you need to do to go from Sylhet to Akhaura by train which is very important for you to know.

Sylhet to Akhaura Train Schedule:

Only two trains run from Sylhet to Akhaura. Due to which the demand for both trains is high. So if you want to go to Akhaura then you have to go through these two trains.


Two trains run from Sylhet to Akhaura.
Kushiara Express (18) and Sylhet (94)

These two trains are constantly plying on this route as per the order of Bangladesh Railway.
His schedule is given below.

Train Name: Kushiya Express (18)
Departs Sylhet at 16:00
Reach Akhaura :23:50
Holidays: None

Train Name: Sylhet (94)
Departs Sylhet :07:30
Reach Akhaura :13:50
Holiday: Friday

ATN two you will get at the station as per schedule and here Sylhet 94 train is only one day off in a week. Except that day you will catch the train on scheduled time at the station on other days of the week. But you must keep these times in mind. You have to reach the station before the time when the train leaves because if you go to the station without this time you will not get the train.

So to go to Akhaura in these trains you have to be present at the station as per the scheduled time.

Sylhet to Akhaura Train Ticket/Fare List:

The trains traveling from Sylhet to Akhaura charge the fare as per the Bangladesh Railway office. You will never be diverted from this train journey due to fares. Because you can reach Akhaura with very little money. Which is not possible in any other mode of transportation.

In this case, people get a lot of benefits for traveling by train. If you want to go from Sylhet to Akhaura with the lowest fare then you have to pay 160 taka fare which is from the lowest seat section of the train. And if you want to go for the highest fare then you have to pay Rs 665 fare in exchange for which you will get a seat from AC failed section.


Also there are many different sections in the train. The rents of which are almost different. So you choose the category according to your ability or your preference. Rent accordingly. In case of traveling by train you need to collect ticket without ticket you cannot enter the train. And the ticket you buy must be bought from the station ticket counter.

I hope you have learned all the information related to the train so you don’t have to get any more confused on the train journey.


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