
Akhaura to Noakhali Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for Akhaura to Noakhali train schedule and ticket fare list? Then I’d say you’ve come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. About Akhaura to Noakhali train schedule and ticket fare list. Which may be very important for you to know. You can know us from this article. No trains run from Akhaura to Noakhali. And about all those train timetables and ticket fares.

At present, trains run more or less on every route in Bangladesh. Some trains from Akhaura to Noakhali can be seen in it. People do not face any difficulty in traveling through all these trains. Rather, people can enjoy many benefits from train travel.

The benefits that you will enjoy on the train journey are: You won’t feel any jitters as a result of the train journey. Due to which your body will not feel any fatigue. And you don’t have to pay much for the train journey. You may all know that trains are state vehicles. Due to which the train is operated by the state. So, for the convenience of common people, the train fares are very low. Which is very affordable for common people.

Only two trains ply on Akhaura to Noakhali route. These two trains are, Akashto Express (712) and Noakhali Express (12). Know about the schedule of these two trains.

Akhaura to Noakhali Train Schedule:

Train Name Coastal Express (712)
Departs from Akhaura at 17:55
Reach Noakhali at 21:20
Holiday: Tuesday

Train Name Noakhali Express (12)
Departure time from Akhaura: 01:22
Reach Noakhali at :05:55
Holiday: Name


These two trains run regularly from Akhaura to Noakhali route due to which the train passengers of this route do not have to face any difficulty. So if you want to go to Noakhali through these trains. Then you have to know these times well. Because if you don’t know the specific time well. Then go to the station and never get ten. So know these specific times well. So that you can catch the trains if you reach the station according to this time.

Akhaura to Noakhali Train Ticket Price

You can go from Akhaura to Noakhali only by train journey at a low fare of every vehicle in Bangladesh. Because train fares are very low in Bangladesh due to which common people can enjoy a lot of benefits by traveling by train.

If you want to go to Noakhali by these trains. Then you must know better about it. You may all know. A train has many different cabins which have a specific name. For example Shobhan, Shobhan, Chair, First Seat, Snigdha, AC, AC berth are known by these names.

You can enjoy different facilities in all these cabins. And for that you have to pay different fares. But no matter which category you want to take the seat. Or why you don’t want to take a seat. You will need to purchase tickets as a result. You will get the ticket from the station ticket counter.

When you go to the ticket counter at the station. Then you will see if you notice. Ticket prices and categories are listed. You will purchase a ticket from the category as per your choice.

It is important to purchase a ticket for each person before the train journey. Because without ticket you can’t do train journey. And when you purchase tickets. Then definitely listen to it. Whether you got the ticket from the category from which you applied for it.


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