Barisal to Khulna Bus Schedule, Ticket Price

Barisal to Khulna Bus Schedule, Ticket Price

There may be many of you who are thinking of going to Khulna from Barisal. But many of you may not have any idea about the buses that ply from Barisal to Khulna. So if you are looking for Barisal to Khulna buses.

But you have come to the right place. Because we have published in this article about several buses from Barisal to Khulna. You can easily know the schedule and fare of all the buses that travel from Barisal to Khulna. Which may be very important for you to know.

So if you want to know about bus from Barisal to Khulna village. Then read our complete article carefully. And know how much money you have to pay as a result of traveling from Barisal to Khulna.

So currently those who are thinking of going from Barisal to Khulna. Many of them may be worried about which vehicle they should go to Khulna or which vehicle they can use to enjoy all the benefits. And you can enjoy the journey comfortably. But if you are really looking for vehicles to go from Barisal to Khulna at a low price.

But I would say you need bus as a very important vehicle. Because nowadays there are many buses traveling from Barisal to Khulna in which you can enjoy many facilities. The bus journey is much better and comfortable than before. Due to which the bus nowadays can offer you a great journey.

Many of you do not know how far is Khulna from Barisal. But the distance from Barisal to Khulna is about 182.3 km which is a long way. So if you want to travel this long way easily. In that case bus will be a very good mode for you.

There are many buses from Barisal to Khulna which have AC facilities. You can enjoy the benefits of AC whenever you want or for journey. Apart from this, there are various non-AC buses in which you can reach Khulna at a very low cost.

But many people do not know which buses are available from Barisal to Khulna and the fare of those buses. So, without delay, know immediately which buses ply from Barisal to Khulna and the fare list of all those buses.

Barisal to Khulna Bus: Several popular buses ply from Barisal to Khulna. They are, Seven Star, Seven Deluxe
Kuakata Express, Royal Paribahan, Hawladar Paribahan, and Khan Paribahan all operate from Barisal to Khulna.

If you want to go to Khulna by these buses. In that case your journey will be very comfortable much better than other buses. Now you will reach Khulna in 4 hours 35 minutes by traveling through buses. However, the time is determined according to the road conditions.

If the condition of the road is damaged in any way. But in that case it takes a bit more time to reach Khulna. But if the road condition is good, you can be considered to reach Khulna before 4 hours. So know about the fare of these buses.

Barisal to Khulna Bus Fare:
(Non AC)

Seven Star: 300 Tk
Seven Deluxe: 300 Tk
Kuakata Express: 300 Tk
Royal Paribahan: 300 Tk
Hauler Transport: 300 Tk
Khan Paribahan: 300 Tk

Check out the non AC buses you have here and check their fares. These buses leave for Khulna from Barisal regularly.

So if you want to go to Khulna by bus journey with less money. In that case these buses are very important for you. So know about these buses well. It is believed that you can reach Khulna without any difficulty through these buses.

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