
Chittagong to Mymensingh Train Schedule & Ticket Price

You may have gone to different places of the country for different work. But everyone needs a vehicle to travel to all those places. Why it is never possible to go far without a vehicle. So people need vehicles for movement. So people use vehicles.

Many people love to travel by bus. Again even many people micro,, moreover there are many more vehicles. Through which they are traveling. Many people also travel by train. But you may know which of these vehicles is more convenient for you. I would say train is the best mode of transportation in Bangladesh.

Train is one of the best vehicles in Bangladesh. Through which people can travel without any hassle. People can travel very comfortably. Due to which the human body does not feel any illness. Moreover, traveling by train saves people a lot of money. Because the train company takes the lowest fare for vehicles in Bangladesh.

Because train is a state vehicle, this vehicle is operated by the state. Trains travel to every region of Bangladesh. Trains travel more or less in every region of Bangladesh to ensure the smooth transportation of the people of this country. Through which people have been traveling very comfortably and conveniently.

So those of you who are thinking of traveling by train from Chittagong to Mymensingh you have come to the right place because in this post we are going to discuss about Chittagong to Mymensingh train schedule and ticket fare. Information that is very important for you to know. So we have to read the completed writings to know the information given. Then you will understand what you need to do to go by train from Chittagong to Mymensingh.

Chittagong to Mymensingh Train Schedule

From Chittagong to Mymensingh you have to travel 358 km. Which is a long way for every human being. You may have traveled this long way before in various ways. But if you want to go by train this time, you can travel better than that. Traveling by train will save you a lot of time that you can use in other ways. Moreover, the train journey is a smooth journey, due to which your body will not get tired.


So know the train schedule of Chittagong to Mymensingh route.

Train Name: Vijay Express (785)
Departure time from Chittagong: 07:20
Arrive Mymensingh: 15:55 hrs
Holiday: Wednesday

This Vijay Express train runs regularly on this route so if you want to go to Mymensingh by this train then know the schedule of this train well.

If you fail to attend the train as per this time then you will not get the train. To catch this train you need to reach the station on time. But you can catch up.

Chittagong to Mymensingh Train Ticket Price

The trains in Bangladesh are run by the state and the train fares are very low. Because running the train is for the benefit of the citizens of this country. So that the people of the country can go from one place to another with very less money. If you are thinking of traveling by bus from Chittagong to Mymensingh. Then you have to pay the rent. Much of that fare will be reduced by taking the train.


Due to which people have benefited a lot in train movement. So if you want to go from Chittagong to Mymensingh then you don’t have to pay much fare you can go according to the fare set by Bangladesh Railway Office. You can rent from minimum to maximum 320-515 taka which is very affordable for you.

And of course you will get the ticket by purchasing the ticket before boarding the train. At the station ticket counter. So far you may have got the train related information unknown to you. So I think that there will be no more difficulties in the train journey from Chittagong to Mymensingh route.


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