Bhairab to Kishoregonj Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Those of you who want to know about Bhairab Bazar to Kishoreganj route train schedule and ticket fare. They have come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. About Bhairab Bazar to Kishoreganj train schedule and ticket fare. All these train related information may be very important for you to know.
You can easily know that from our article. What do you need to do to get from Bhairab Bazar to Kishoreganj train? And how much money can you go from Bhairab Bazar to Kishoreganj? Traveling by train from Bhairab Bazar to Kishoreganj will make you enjoy a very beautiful journey. Because you will not feel any boring in this journey.
You can enjoy beautiful environment and natural beauty by train journey. And you can reach Kishoreganj with very less money by train journey.
So many of you may not know about the trains and train timings of this route. You will understand this unknown information very easily after completing this article. What time does the train leave and how much money can you get from Bhairab Bazar to Kishoreganj? So know now Bhairab Bazar to Kishoreganj train schedule.
Bhairab to Kishoreganj Train Schedule
Name of Train: Eleven Sindhu Prabhati (737)
Departs from Bhairav Bazar at 09:06
Reached Kishoreganj at 11:15
Holiday: Wednesday
Train Name Eleven Sindhu Twilight (749)
Departs from Bhairav Bazar at 20:42
Reached Kishoreganj at 22:45
Holidays: None
Train Name Kishoreganj Express (781)
Departs from Bhairav Bazar at 12:40
Reach Kishoreganj at 15:00
Holiday: Friday
These trains are very famous trains of Bangladesh. And Bangladesh is known as a very high quality train. Trains leave for Kishoreganj according to the timings of the ATMs that you have noticed here.
Those of you who want to go to Kishoreganj by these trains should catch the trains from the station according to this specific time. Because train is the vehicle of time. Trains never run without time. People are traveling by train freely as the train is running on time.
Bhairab to Kishoreganj Train Ticket Price
You don’t have to pay much fare to travel from Bhairab Bazar to Kishoreganj train. Because trains already charge low fares. The train that runs on this route. The fares of these trains are almost at the same level. But the train has many cabins. The cabins have different facilities. And the fare of these trains has to be paid separately for different facilities.
For example, the cabins of ten are divided by the names Shobhan, Shobhan Chair, First Seat, Snigdha AC, AC Berth. In which you can enjoy different benefits. If you want to enjoy the maximum benefits in these trains then you have to choose the AC berth category. Because you can enjoy the maximum benefit from this section and you have to pay 202 rupees in return.
And for 50 tk you will get seats from the least luxurious section of these trains. Also there are sections. According to their fare you will buy the ticket from the ticket counter of the station. Never buy a train ticket without a ticket counter as it may spoil your train journey. So definitely buy the ticket from the ticket counter of the station.
All the information you got from this article. All this information is collected from Bangladesh Railway official website. We disclose this information only for your convenience. After receiving these information. I think you will not have to face any difficulty in train journey