
Ishwardi To Poradah Train Schedule with Ticket Price

Do you want to know Ishwardi to Puratah route train schedule and ticket fare list? But I’d say you’ve come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. Ishwardi to Poradah train schedule and ticket fare list. Also we are going to publish some information related to trains in the article. Which will help you a lot in train journey across Bangladesh. This information may be very important for you.

Several intercity and mail express trains operate on the Ishwardi to Poradah route. The trains which are known as very important and modern trains of Bangladesh. So know now that intercity and mail express trains run from Ishwardi to Poradah. About its schedule and ticket fare list.

Ishwardi to Poradah Train Schedule:


Several intercity trains run from Ishwardi to Poradah. Know the name of these trains and their schedule.

Train Name Kapotaksh Express (716)
Departs from Ishwardi at 15:20
Reach Poradah at 16:25
Holiday: Tuesday

Train Name Sundarban Express (726)
Departs from Ishwardi at 13:00
Burnt arrives at :14:01
Holiday: Wednesday

Train Name Rupsa Express (728)
Departs from Ishwardi at 14:00
Burnt arrives at 15:05
Holiday: Thursday

The name of the train is Border Express (7489
Departs from Ishwardi at 23:45
Burnt arrives at :00:47
Holiday: Monday

These inter-city trains regularly ply on this route as per schedule. Due to which the train passengers do not have to face any inconvenience. Passengers can travel through these trains only if they arrive at the station on time. So if you want to go from Ishwardi to Poradah through these trains. In that case, you also need to know these times well.

Ishwari to Poradah Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)

Train Name Mahananda Express (16)
Departs from Ishwardi at 09:50
Burnt arrives at 15:47
Holidays: None

Train Name Rocket Express (24)
Departs from Ishwardi at 18:00
Cremation arrives at :19:00
Holidays: None

The mail express trains that you have noticed here, the mail express trains run according to this specific time. Due to which the train passengers can catch these trains only if they arrive at the station according to this specific time. But today if you want to inform these mail express trains. In that case you can catch the trains if you arrive at the station at this particular time.

Ishwardi to Poradah Train Ticket Fare List:

You won’t have to pay too much fare if you travel by train. But you can travel in these trains with different fares. Because these trains have different categories of cabins. In which you can enjoy different facilities and for that you have to pay the rent according to that cabin.

But if you want to go on these trains for the lowest fare. In that case you have to make a journey from Sohovan category. As a result you will have to pay 75 rupees as rent which is much less than others.

Also if you want to enjoy the maximum benefits in these trains. In that case you have to take seat from AC berth section. If you want to take a seat from the AC berth section, you will have to pay a fare of Tk 270. In return you can enjoy the maximum benefits of these trains.

Also these trains have more cabins. They have different benefits and different scaffolding set. You will prepare for the train journey by purchasing tickets from the station ticket counter as per your preferred category.


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