
Chandpur to Comilla Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Many people travel from Chandpur to Comilla. Because of which every person needs a vehicle. And as a vehicle, people use trains, buses, micros and many other small vehicles. But you all can guess which vehicle is easily available and convenient among all these vehicles.

I would say trains play a very important role in everyone’s life. Because train is a vehicle that people can enjoy a lot of benefits by traveling through the vehicle. You can enjoy a comfortable journey by traveling by train. And you can go from one place to another for very less fare. Which is never possible in other vehicles.

We pay the resulting rent on other vehicles. As a result of traveling by train, you can travel in many parts with less fare. This facility is provided by the Bangladesh Railway Office which is managed by the government. All the trains that run in Bangladesh are state run. That is why people can enjoy so much convenience in train travel.

Some trains are also seen running from Chandpur to Comilla. Trains through which you can travel from Chandpur to Comilla very easily and comfortably.

So if you are looking for Chandpur to Comilla train and its schedule. Then you have come to the right place. You will get the right information from our article. From which you can know a lot of information about Chandpur to Comilla train schedule and fare.

Chandpur to Comilla Train Schedule


Train Name Chandpur Commuter (81)
Departs from Chandpur at :09:40
Arrive Comilla at :12:20
Holiday: Friday

Train Name Chandpur Commuter (83)
Departs from Chandpur at 17:00
Arrive Comilla at :19:45
Holiday: Friday

These two trains run regularly on the Chandpur to Comilla route. Due to this, the people of this bread do not have to face any difficulty in traveling. They can catch these trains only if the passengers arrive at the station on time. But if you want to go to Comilla through these trains. Then you also need to know these times well. Because these trains run on schedule.

So if you don’t know the time well then you won’t know when the train will leave. So know the schedule of these trains well.

Chandpur to Comilla Train Ticket Fare List:

You can go from Chandpur to Comilla at a very low cost. You may all know. Train fares are already low compared to other means of transport. Considering only the convenience of the passengers, the Bangladesh Railway office charges low train fares.

A train usually has many different categories of seats. Or train cabins divided in many ways. The cabins have different names and you can enjoy different facilities in these cabins. The amenities in a train are comfort, comfort chair, first seat, comfort, AC and AC berth. All these named train cabins in which you can enjoy different facilities, you have to pay the fare according to that category.


The lowest section in a train is the ornamental section. And AC berth is known as the highest division. In between there are more sections that you may have noticed. But no matter which category you want to take seat. You have to purchase tickets based on that category.

You have to buy the ticket from the ticket counter of the station. Tickets cannot be collected through any means other than the ticket counter. You can take the ticket from the ticket counter at the station and take the train journey. As a result, you don’t have to face any difficulties.


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