
Chuadanga to Ishwardi Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for Chuadanga to Ishwardi Rubber train schedule and fare list? But I’d say you’ve come to the right place. Because we are going to reveal in this article about Chuadanga to Ishwardi train schedule and ticket fare list which may be important for all of you. Also from the article you will get some train related tips which will help you a lot in your train journey across Bangladesh.

At present several intercity and mail express trains run from Chuadanga to Ishwardi. What trains are very important and well known in Bangladesh. Passengers can enjoy many benefits by traveling through these trains. Besides, you can go to Ishwardi from Chuadanga for very less money. That is why these trains are in high demand. So know Ishwardi intercity and mail express train schedule and ticket fare list from Chuadanga.

Chuadanga to Ishwari Train Schedule:


You will find many intercity trains from Chuadanga to Ishwardi. The names and schedules of the trains are given below.

Train Name Kapotaksh Express (715)
Departure from Chuadanga at :08:59
Ishwardi reaches at 10:35
Holiday: Tuesday

Train Name Sundarban Express (725)
Departure from Chuadanga at 0053 hrs
Ishwardi reaches at :02:15
Holiday: Tuesday

Train Name Rupsa Express (727)
Departure from Chuadanga at :09:44
Ishwardi reaches :11:20 time
Holiday: Thursday

Train Name Border Express (767)
Departure from Chuadanga at :23:53
Ishwardi reaches at :01:20
Holiday: Monday

Train Name Sagardani Express (761)
Departure time from Chuadanga is 18:54
Ishwardi reaches at :20:30
Holiday: Monday

Marshnagar trains regularly ply on Chuadanga to Ishwaradi route as per this schedule. Due to which these train passengers can catch these trains only if they arrive at the station according to the specified time. So if you want to go to Ishwardi through these intercity trains. Then you also have to appear at the station according to this time.

Chuadanga to Ishwardi Train Schedule :
(Mail Express)

Train Name Mahananda Express (13)
Departure from Chuadanga at 15:29
Ishwardi reaches at 17:45
Holidays: None

Train Name Rocket Express (23)
Departure from Chuadanga at 14:16
Ishwardi reaches at 16:35
Holidays: None

Noticed the two mail express trains and their timetables here. These trains run on Chuadanga to Ishwardi route according to two fixed timings. So if you want to go from Chuadanga to Ishwardi through these mail express trains. So definitely know these times well.

Chuadanga to Ishwardi Train Ticket Price

From Chuadanga to Ishwardi by train you will have to pay a lot of fare. Because the train charges less money. But according to the cabin you have to pay different fare.

You will get different seat facilities in trains. Different fares are to be paid for these. Train cabins are divided into names such as Sobhon, Sobhon Chair, Snigdha Pratham Seat, AC Berth. You can enjoy different facilities in these train cabins. And different fares are to be paid for it.

But if you want to go for the lowest fare among these categories, then you have to go from Sobhan category. You have to pay 105 rupees for that. And if you want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. Then you have to travel from AC berth category. If you come from this AC berth section then you have to pay 375 Tk.

But no matter which category you want to take E seat. Based on that category you have to purchase ticket from station ticket counter.


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