Many of you might be looking for Chuadanga to Joydevpur train schedule and ticket fare list. But I’d say you’ve come to the right place. Because we are going to reveal in this article about Chuadanga to Joydevpur train schedule and ticket fare list.
What I think is very important for you to know. Also you can know some tips related to trains from our article. Which will be very useful in your train journey across Bangladesh. So know about Chuadanga to Joydevpur route train schedule and ticket fare list as per our published article.
From Chuadanga to Joydevpur you will get intercity train through which you can enjoy many facilities. Because many benefits are available in intercity trains. Those are the ones you can sleep on during the journey. There is also a sleeping arrangement for you. The inter-city trains also have food and drink, prayers and various entertainment facilities in the inter-city trains. Through which you can complete the journey smoothly.
And the most convenient last aspect is rent. Because the train fare is much less. Due to this, train passengers can make very economical journeys. So without further delay, know now about Chuadanga to Joydevpur train schedule and ticket fare.
Chuadanga to Joydevpur Train Schedule:
Train Name Sundarban Express (725)
Departure from Chuadanga at :00:35
Reached Joydevpur at :05:57
Holiday: Tuesday
This intercity train runs on this route constantly, due to which train passengers can catch this train only if they arrive at the station on time. So if you want to go to Joydevpur by this train. Then you need to know these timings well and arrive at the station according to these timings.
Chuadanga to Joydevpur Train Ticket Fare List:
You can travel from Chuadanga to Joydevpur only by train. If you want to go to Joydevpur by other vehicles. Then you have to pay a lot of rent. But the train authorities have given you this opportunity, you can go anywhere by train for a very low fare.
You all know that there are many categories of seats in trains. In which you can go for different fares and enjoy different benefits. The cabins in these trains. They are Shobhan, Shobhan Chair, First Seat, First Berth, Snigdha, AC, AC Berth and you can go to these categories with different fares.
But if you want to go for the lowest rent in these categories. Then you have to choose Shobhan category through which you can reach Joydevpur by increasing 300 rupees. And if you want to enjoy the benefits of the highest category. Then you have to go from AC berth category. And for that you have to pay a rent of 1 thousand 75 rupees.
But no matter which category you want to take the seat. For this you need to purchase tickets. You will purchase tickets from the ticket counter of the station from the category of your choice.
Do not purchase tickets through any other means other than the ticket counter so that your journey can go ahead. Because there are many helpless people. Who are cheating people with fake tickets. So, if you want to buy tickets, you must buy them from the ticket counter of the station. This will make your journey right.
As long as you know all the information about Chuadanga to Joydevpur road train, I don’t think you will face any problem. You have come to know the train relation information through this article. All this information has been collected from Bangladesh official website. We disclose this information for your convenience only.