Joypurhat to Khulna Train Schedule & Ticket Price Online Booking
The distance from Joypurhat to Khulna is almost too much. And people travel the long way in different ways. Some are traveling by bus, some by micro and many by various vehicles. But for long distance train is enough for you as good mode of transportation. Because train is a comfortable traveling companion. The journey can be done beautifully and comfortably by train. So if you want to travel the distance from Joypurhat to Khulna, you have to travel by train.
Moreover, you will get some benefits in the train. Which can never be expected in other vehicles. Trains that run from Joypurhat to Khulna. Those trains are intercity trains, which are known as very good quality trains in Bangladesh. Many of us may know about intercity trains. Many people may not know. People who have no idea about intercity trains. They will get many ideas about this train from here. They will help you a lot.
Intercity trains are the fastest trains in Bangladesh. And also provides many more facilities for people to travel. For example, people can sleep when they are tired on the train journey. You will also find sleeping accommodation in intercity trains. There is even catering. You can also pray if you want. You will get all these facilities in these intercity trains. Which cannot be found in any other train. Only trains provide all these facilities.
So those of you who are thinking of going by train from Joypurhat to Khulna. They have come to the right place. Because we are going to publish in this article,,, Joypurhat to Khulna train schedule and ticket fare list. Which is very important for you to know.
Joypurhat to Khulna Train Schedule
Two intercity trains run on the Joypurhat to Khulna route. These two trains are very fast trains of Bangladesh. Due to which there is no difficulty in traveling on this route. Two intercity trains ply this route. That is, Rupsa Express (728), Shimonda Express (748) these two trains are constantly traveling from Joypurhat to Khulna route. So those of you who want to go to Khulna through these two trains. They will check the schedule of these trains.
Train Name: Rupsa Express (728)
Departs from Joypurhat: 11:26 hrs
Reach Khulna : 18:30 time
Holiday: Thursday
Train Name: Border Express (748)
Departs from Joypurhat: 21:35 hrs
Reached Khulna at :04:10
Holiday: Monday
The intercity train you saw two times. These two trains travel according to this time. No time is wasted. They are traveling on time. Because of this, common people do not have to suffer. People can reach their destination at certain time, due to movement according to time.
Joypurhat to Khulna Train Ticket Price
Trains in Bangladesh run according to official instructions. It can almost be said that these trains are in this country as government vehicles. So in that case, the train fare is charged less on every route for the convenience of the common people of this country. Maybe you know that.
Compared to that you don’t have to pay much fare to go from Joypurhat to Khulna. According to the Bangladesh Railway Authority, you will be able to reach the prescribed fare. You can go from Joypurhat to Khulna by paying a minimum fare of 295 taka. In return you will get seats from the decorative category.
And if you want to go for maximum fare then you have to pay Rs.1065. In return you will get seats from the highest seat category which is AC berth controlled. You may have known all the information related to trains on this route through this article. So I think you will not have to face any difficulty in train journey.