
Dhaka to Patuakhali Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Although the distance from the capital Dhaka to Patuakhali is a little longer, if you want to travel by road, you can reach this place in a short time. As Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, roads are playing an important role in connecting this city with every district of the country. Bus can be the best mode to travel from Dhaka to Patuakhali due to which many people prefer bus as a safe and comfortable mode of transportation.

For those of you who have decided to go to Patuakhali from Dhaka, I would like to say that several buses are plying regularly from morning to night to these places. There are several bus stands on the route from Dhaka to Patuakhali where buses make regular breaks. Apart from the bus schedule, many of you want to know about the bus ticket price from Dhaka to Patuakhali. For them, we have officially contacted each bus service and mentioned their bus ticket price here.

Dhaka to Patuakhali Bus Schedule

Bus is the most comfortable way to travel from Dhaka to Patuakhali. For those of you who are interested in traveling by this bus, we have mentioned the list of buses that are regularly plying on this route. You can select your preferred bus from the list below and reach your destination by that bus.

Dhaka to Patuakhali Bus List

Several powerful engine driven buses are plying from Dhaka to Patuakhali. For those of you who want to travel regularly on this route, you can travel by Sakura Paribahan Enterprise or any bus of Surabhi Paribahan in a short period of time. In the below section we publish the bus schedule from Dhaka to Patuakhali for you.

  • Sakura Paribahan
  • Hemi Enterprise
  • Surovi Paribahan

Dhaka to Patuakhali Ticket Price

All the bus services from Dhaka to Patuakhali have been fixed by the bus owner authority for the passengers. In general, two types of buses run on this route: AC buses and Non-AC operated buses. SSs have special facilities for passengers due to which the bus fares are relatively high.



On the other hand, the fare for those who will travel from Dhaka to Patuakhali by non-AC operated bus is a little less. The fares of each bus service for going from Dhaka to Patuakhali have been fixed separately, the list of which we have published here.

We wish you a safe journey from Dhaka to Patuakhali. You can do our other articles to know about the schedule and ticket prices to travel by air to any other part of the country including Dhaka.

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