
Dhaka to Tarakandi Train Schedule & Ticket Price

The best mode of transportation for you to travel from Dhaka to Tarakandi is train. Train is a good travel only for you. Distance from Dhaka to Tarakandi is about 137.9 km. Since the distance from Dhaka to Tarakandi is almost much. So your journey should be very comfortable. So if you want to enjoy a beautiful and comfortable journey from Dhaka to Tarakandi.

Then train is the best mode for you. As a result, you will not feel any shock. Because there is no jolt in train movement. So train passengers can complete their train journey easily and happily. Those of you who travel almost from Dhaka to Tarakandi. Many may travel by other means of transport. Among those vehicles, you travel in buses, micros and many other types of vehicles.

But those of you who have not traveled by Tarakandi train. They can easily travel from Dhaka to Tarakandi by train, because there is no delay in train travel. If we think about the other vehicles then all these bus micro vehicles lose a lot of time due to road jams. But this problem can be solved in case of traveling by train. So traveling by train is a very good mode.

Those who are thinking of traveling by train from Dhaka to Tarakandi. Or those who want to go have come to the right place. Because here by this article we are going to reveal about Dhaka to Tarakandi train schedule and fare list which are very important for you.

If you don’t know these facts. Then read our complete articles. From that you will understand what you need to do to go from Dhaka to Tarakandi by train.

Dhaka to Tarakandi Train Schedule:

There are two trains that run from Dhaka to Tarakandi. Those two trains are two very famous trains of Bangladesh. You have to use these two trains to go from Dhaka to Tarakandi. You may not know about those trains schedule, so for your convenience the schedule of both the trains is given below. By which you will know about Taka to Tarakandi train timing.


Train Name: Agniveena Express (735)
Departs from Dhaka: 10:00
Reach Tarakandi :16:45
Holidays: None

Train Name: Yamuna Express (745)
Departs from Dhaka at 16:45
Reach Tarakandi :22:55
Holidays: None

These two trains are constantly running from Dhaka to Tarakandi. Many people of this route travel by these two trains. People don’t have to get into any trouble during their commute.

They can easily reach Tarakandi from Dhaka. But if you want to go by train from Dhaka to Tarakandi. So the first thing you need to keep in mind. That is about train timing. Train time is the keynote of train journey.

Because you can never catch the train at the station except at the scheduled time. So if you want to travel in these trains as well, you have to appear for the train at the station as per the scheduled time.

Dhaka to Tarakandi Train Fare List

No matter what vehicle we travel in. We have to pay rent on account of traveling in those vehicles. The fares are almost much higher than the train. Every route in Bangladesh charges low train fares. Similarly, you can travel from Dhaka to Tarakandi by train.


You cannot travel in any other vehicle with the same fare. Because only Bangladeshi trains charge low fares. For the benefit of common man. By getting the information given by us, you may have come to know about Dhaka to Tarakandi train schedule and fare. Now I think you will not have any difficulty in traveling by train from Dhaka to Tarakandi.


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