
Dhaka to Teknaf Bus Ticket Price List

You may have many people who are thinking of going to Teknaf from Dhaka. But many of you may not know about all the buses that ply from Dhaka to Teknaf. So those of you who have no idea about the buses that ply from Dhaka to Teknaf can easily find out from this article which buses ply from Dhaka to Teknaf and how much you have to pay to go to Teknaf on those buses.

So if you want to know the correct information about all the buses that go from Dhaka to Teknaf. Then read our complete article carefully. And know which buses go from Dhaka to Teknaf. And all that bus fare information you don’t know. Teknaf is located in Chittagong Division. Cox’s Bazar and Teknaf is an upazila which is considered as a district. Where many Bangladeshi people have been living.

People go to Teknaf constantly for various purposes, but for whatever reason, a specific vehicle is required to go to Teknaf, because without a vehicle, you can never walk from Dhaka to Teknaf very easily, so if you want to go to Teknaf from Dhaka, you must. Vehicle is required so as vehicle you need bus.

Because many buses travel from Dhaka to Teknaf. In which you can enjoy the bus service by paying a very low fare. And you can reach Teknaf very easily. Many people think that bus journey is a risky journey. Due to which many people dislike the bus journey.

But you may all know that road construction work is almost completed in every region in Bangladesh. Due to the construction of the new road, the distance from Dhaka to Teknaf has now become a new road. Due to which the bus journey becomes smooth and the bus passengers can reach Teknaf from Dhaka very easily.

So bus is sufficient as the necessary vehicle for you to go from Dhaka to Teknaf. So those of you who don’t know the names of all the buses that ply from Dhaka and their fares. They immediately know which buses travel from Dhaka to Teknaf and the ticket fare of all those buses.

Bus from Dhaka to Teknaf:

Some very famous buses of Bangladesh travel from Dhaka to Teknaf. Those buses are, Miami Air Con, Senjuti Travel, Shyamoli NR Travels, Tuba Line, and Sohag Elite and many more buses ply from Dhaka to Tekna F.

If you have gone from Dhaka to Teknaf in all these buses. But you can enjoy many benefits. Which is never possible in other vehicles. So know the details about the fare of all these buses.

Bus Fare:

According to the above information you have noticed several bus names. Which are constantly moving from Dhaka to Teknaf. But you don’t know how much you have to pay for going to Teknaf in these buses. So know well that we are publishing these bus fares for your convenience.

Miami Air Con
Rent: Tk 900 rent

Sejuti Travel
Rent: 800 to 1000 taka.

Shyamoli NR Travels
Rent: 1000 Tk

tuba line
Rent: 1250 Tk

Sohag Elite
Rent: 1250 Tk

By now you may have understood about all the buses that ply from Dhaka to Teknaf and know how much money you can get from Dhaka to Teknaf. So I think you will not have any difficulty in getting Teknaf from Dhaka in all these works.

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