
Jessore to Joydebpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for Jessore to Joydebpur train schedule and ticket fare list? But I’d say you’ve come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. All the trains that run from Jessore to Joydebpur. It is about all train schedule and ticket fare list. Which may be very important for you to know.

You can also know some tips from this article. Which will be very useful in your train journey across Bangladesh. More or less train movement can be observed on every route of Bangladesh. Those trains are government vehicles of Bangladesh.

Every train in Bangladesh is operated according to the government. Due to which the general public can enjoy many benefits by traveling by train. You can enjoy a very comfortable journey by train. Because there is no jolt during train movement. Due to which the train journey is very smooth.

Also, the most convenient thing for the general public to travel by train is the fare. You can travel by train journey with less fare. Other vehicles will never do that. Because the train is a Bangladeshi government vehicle, the train authority charges much less for the benefit of the people of this country. So without further ado, find out. Ishwardi to Joydebpur route trains schedule and fare list.

Jessore to Joydebpur Train Schedule:


There is an intercity train plying on Jessore to Joydebpur route. This intercity train is a very famous train of Bangladesh. Name of this train and its schedule are mentioned below.


Train Name Sundarban Express (725)
Departs from Jessore at 23:20
Arrives at Joydebpur at :05:57
Holiday: Tuesday

These intercity trains run regularly from Jessore to Joydebpur. Here are the times you noticed. These times are officially scheduled by the Bangladesh Railway office. Due to which the trains are moving according to this specific time. So if you want to go from Jessore to Joydebpur by these trains. In that case, you have to remember these times well.

Jessore to Joydebpur Train Ticket Fare List:

You may all know that all the trains that run in Bangladesh are known as government trains. So since the trains are operated by the government. In that case, the people of this country get many benefits by traveling by train. Because you have to pay very less fare as a result of train journey. You can travel by train journey on any route for much less fare than other means of transport.

But if you want to go through these trains. In that case you can go for different fares. Because these trains have different cabin arrangements. And you will get various facilities in all those cabins. Usually Shobhan, Shobhan chair, First seat, Snigdha, AC, AC berth. All these are known as love cabins that you can go to with different fares.


But if you want to go through these trains at the lowest fare. In that case you have to choose the decorative category. From Suman division to Jangipur you will have to pay 360 taka fare.

And if you want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. In that case you have to go from AC berth section. As a result of journey from this AC berth category you have to pay Rs.1285 as fare. In return, you can enjoy maximum benefits of these intercity trains.

There are also more cabins. Which you can go to different rooms. But no matter which cabin you choose to go from. You have to purchase tickets according to that cabin. Because you cannot travel by train without a ticket.


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