
Jessore to Joypurhat Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Are you looking for Jessore to Jaipurhat train schedule and ticket fare list? But I’d say you’ve come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. About Jessore to Jaipurhat train schedule and ticket fare list. Which may be very important for you to know.

Also in this article you will find some tips which will be very useful in your train journey across Bangladesh. Trains are running on every route in Bangladesh. Due to which the common people of this country can enjoy many benefits by traveling by train. Train is an economical mode of transport for common people.

People can travel by train and reach their destinations at very low cost. Which is never possible in other vehicles. You can travel from Jessore to Joypurhat by train. You can never go in other vehicles for the same fare. So definitely trains are very important for common people.

Jessore to Jaipurhat Train Schedule



Train Name Rupsa Express (727)
Departs from Jessore at :08:12
Arrival at Jaipurhat : 13:51 time
Holiday: Thursday

Train Name Seemant Express (747)
Departs from Jessore at 22:20
Reach Jaipurhat at :03:31
Holiday: Monday

Here you have noticed that these intercity trains are constantly plying from Jessore to Joydevpur. Due to which the train passengers do not face any difficulty in this route. They can catch these trains if they arrive at the station on time. So if you want to travel from Jessore to Joydevpur through these trains. In that case you also have to remember these times.

Jessore to Jaipurhat Train Schedule:
(Mail Express)

Train Name Rocket Express (23)
Departs from Jessore at 10:50
Reach Jaipurhat at :20:20
Holidays: None

The schedule you noticed for this mail express train. These times are scheduled by the Bangladesh Railway office. So these trains run according to this time.

Jessore to Jaipurhat Train Ticket Fare List

Intercity trains that run from Jessore to Jaipurhat. With these intercity trains you can travel in different fares. Because you may all know that a train has different cabins or many cabins. Which have different benefits. And you can enjoy those different benefits.

Because of which you have to pay the fare according to that category. Trains usually have all these categories: Shovan, Shovan Chair, Snigdha, First Seat, AC, AC Berth. Among these, the lowest amount can be rented only from the decoration category.


And if you want to go to Jaipurhat from Shobhan Division. Then you have to pay 255 rupees rent. And if you think you will enjoy maximum benefits. Then you have to go from AC berth section. For that you have to pay 915 rupees rent. Which is much less than other vehicles. Also there are many more categories in between. Which you can go for different fares.

But why you want to go from JE section itself. For this you need to purchase tickets from the ticket counter at the station. Buy tickets according to your preferred seat.

And while buying tickets, be sure to buy carefully. Check whether you got the ticket from the category you requested. Because many times there are many mistakes. But do not take the ticket given by any person other than the counter. This may cause your journey to fail.

Because there are many dishonest people. Those who have been cheating people with fake tickets must purchase tickets from the counter. You may have known all the information about Dinajpur to Jaipurhat train by now. As we have clearly stated in this article. About these trains schedule and ticket fare list. So hope your train journey will be good.


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