
Joydebpur to Dewanganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Do you want to know about Joydevpur to Dewanganj Bazar train schedule and fare? Then I’d say you’ve come to the right place. As we are going to reveal in this article. About Joydevpur to Dewanganj Bazar train schedule and ticket fare.

You will also get some tips from here. Which will help you a lot in train movement on any route across Bangladesh. So to know all these facts we have to read and understand the entire article well. And by what process you can reach Dewanganj Bazar train from Joydevpur.

Dewanganj Bazar has been traveling from Joydevpur for a long time. Due to this, people do not have to face any difficulty to come to Dewanganj. Train passengers can come to Dewanganj without any trouble. Currently, the trains that are running in Bangladesh are almost modern and newly operated on all the routes of Bangladesh. These trains are operated by modern engines due to which there is no delay in reaching the destination.

Passengers are also very happy to reach Dewanganj on time. Because many people waste their time due to other means of transportation other than train. But traveling by train does not waste any time as the train can arrive at the station on time so people do not experience any inconvenience or waste of time.

Joydevpur to Dewanganj Bazar Train Schedule:

Dewanganj is located at a distance of 201 km from Joydevpur. 201 km route is not a small route but a long one. But common people are constantly traveling from Joydevpur to Dewanganj Bazar for various purposes. However, trains play a very important role in this journey.

When we travel a long way. As a result of that journey, your body is very tired. Why do we feel so smelly at home and also tired due to other odors due to smell. But in case of traveling by train, you can get rid of them. A fresh journey can be achieved by traveling by train.


The schedule of the trains that run from Joydevpur to Dewanganj Bazar is given below.

Train Name Teesta Express (707)
Departs from Joydevpur at :08:27
Arrival Dewanganj : 12:40 time
Holiday: Monday

Train Name Brakshaputra Express (743)
Departs from Joydevpur at 19:10
Reached Dewanganj at 23:50
Holidays: None

The two trains that you have noticed here are traveling on this route as per the scheduled time. If you want to go from Joydevpur to Dewanganj Bazar by this train route then know this time schedule well.

Joydevpur to Dewanganj Bazar Train Ticket/Fare List:

You may have come from Joydevpur to Dewanganj Bazar many times before. But if the train has never gone from Joydevpur to Dewanganj Bazar. But this time you will understand as a result of going by train. What is the difference between previous journeys and going on this train?

You will understand the difference in many ways in terms of the comfort and pleasure of the journey as a result of traveling by train. And about the fare you can understand how low fare you can reach Dewanganj Bazar from Joydevpur.


To reach Dewanganj in these trains you can go for many categories of fares. The fare is fixed on the seat category of this train as the seats are available. You can enjoy different benefits from K seat categories. So you can buy tickets for these seats at different fares.

The lowest category is Shobhan category, to get a seat in this category you have to pay 160 rupees as fare. And if you want to avail the highest seat category AC berth. Then you have to pay Rs 662 as rent. Hope you got all the information about Joydevpur to Dewanganj Bazar train.


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