Parbatipur to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Trains can run in every region and every place in Bangladesh. There is no difficulty in train movement in any part of this country. More or less trains run throughout Bangladesh. Just as many trains are seen plying from Parbatipur to Dhaka. Those trains are very famous trains of Bangladesh.
Those of you who want to go by train from Parbatipur to Dhaka. They have come to the right place. Because here we have discussed about Parbatipur to Dhaka train schedule and fare. Which you need to know.
Read our complete articles to know all the unknown information you need to travel from Parbatipur to Dhaka train. From which you can understand very easily. What do you need to do to go by train from Parbatipur to Dhaka?
Parbatipur to Dhaka Train Schedule
You have to waste a lot of time to reach Dhaka from Parbatipur. You will reach Dhaka from the airport in no time. If you go by bus from Parbatipur to Dhaka. Then you have to suffer a lot of harassment. The most difficult thing in it is the jam. There are many jams to go from Parbatipur to Dhaka by bus.
But if you take the train you will get rid of that jam. No time will be lost to go from Parbatipur to Dhaka. So every person needs to travel by train. It provides various benefits. The schedule of intercity trains running from Parbatipur to Dhaka is given below.
Train Name Ekta Express (726)
Departure time from Parbatipur: 23:50
Reached Dhaka at :08:10
Holidays: None
Name of the train Hrityan Express (758)
Departs from Parbatipur at 11:00
Reached Dhaka at 18:55
Holidays: None
Train Name Nilsagar Express (766)
Departs from Parbatipur at 21:20
Arrive Dhaka at 05:30
Holiday: Sunday
Train Name Panchagarh Express (794)
Departs from Parbatipur at 15:15
Reach Dhaka at 21:50
Holidays: None
Intercity trains that you noticed here. They move according to this specific time. So if you want to travel from Parbatipur to Dhaka by these trains. In that case, you need to know these times well. And should appear at the station according to this time. But you can catch these trains.
Parbatipur to Dhaka Train Ticket Price List
If you want to travel from Parbatipur to Dhaka at a very low cost then you will not get any other means of transport except train. Because only trains run in Bangladesh at the lowest price. Considering the benefits for the common people of this country, the Bangladesh government has engaged the train movement. Through the train movement, the common people can go from one end to another end very easily by paying a very low fare.
But if you want to travel from Parbatipur to Dhaka by these trains. In that case you can go for different fares. Because the cabins of this train are divided in different ways. You can enjoy a variety of amenities in the Active Cabin. Due to which you have to pay the rent separately.
The cables in these trains are Shobhan, Shobhan Chair, First Seat, Snigdha AC, AC Berth. All these train cabins are known as cabins in which you can travel at different fares. But if you want to go for the least amount of rent in these cabins. In that case you have to go from the decorative section. For this you have to pay 365 rupees as rent.
But if you want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. In that case you have to go from AC berth section. To take a seat from most of the sections, you have to pay a fare of Tk 1315. You can also vary the categories that are there. But no matter which category you go for seat. Train journey by purchasing tickets according to that category.