
Rajshahi to Parbatipur Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2023

Train is a fun mode of transportation. Through which people get a lot of fun by journeying. And there are many benefits that train passengers enjoy through train travel. You can enjoy a wonderful time by traveling by train. Moreover, you will not feel any fatigue in your body due to the effect of train travel. Because there is no jolt in train movement due to which traveling is very fun.

Moreover, traveling by train has many benefits. They are when we want to go somewhere by any means other than train. Then we have to pay a lot of rent. If we take the train to the same place then we have to pay much less than that fare. This facility is available to common people.

So train is a very favorite vehicle for all people. Trains in our country are managed by the government. Due to which all the rules of train movement are observed to the letter. So common people do not have to face any difficulty in train movement.

Trains run from Rajshahi to every region of Bangladesh. Along with this, many trains are also seen running on the Rajshahi to Parvatipur route. Those of you who are thinking of traveling by train from Rajshahi to Parvatipur. Check the train schedule of Tara Rajshahi to Parvatipur route.

Rajshahi to Parvatipur Train Schedule:

The trains that run from Rajshahi to Parvatipur. Those trains are one of the trains of Bangladesh. whose engines are very fast. So common people do not take any time to reach the destination.

The trains which run on Parvatipur route are the trains. Barendra Express (731), Titumir Express (733), Banglabandha Express (804), Uttara Express (31) are running on Rajshahi to Parvatipur route. You can reach Parvatipur from Rajshahi through these trains.


So do not know the schedule of these trains

Train Name : Titumir Express (733)
Departs from Rajshahi at 06:20
Reach Parvatipur : 11:10 Time
Holiday: Wednesday

Train Name: Varendra Express (731)
Departs from Rajshahi at 15:00 hrs
Reach Parvatipur at 19:20
Holiday: Sunday

Train Name Banglabandha Express (804)
Departs from Rajshahi at 21:15
Reach Parvatipur at :02:10
Holiday: Saturday

Train Name: Uora Express (31)
Departs from Rajshahi at 12:00
Reach Parvatipur at :23:00
Holidays: None

These trains are running on Rajshahi to Parvatipur route. Those of you who are thinking of going on these trains. They check the timings of these trains. Because if you don’t know the time, you won’t know when the train will depart on Parvatipur route. So these times need to be kept in mind.

Rajshahi to Parvatipur Train Ticket/Fare List:

When we go somewhere in a car, we have to pay the fare due to going there. So train is also a mode of transportation. So it is normal that you have to pay fare even if you travel by train. But you don’t have to pay much fare to go from Rajshahi to Parvatipur. If you have traveled by train. There are many cabins in a train and all the cabins look different.


For example, which cabins have S facilities. Even many cabins do not have AC. So if you want to go to AC cabin. Then you have to pay a little more rent. Because you are taking advantage of AC there. There are many categories like this.

For example, the cabins are divided by the names of Sobhon, Sobhon Chair, Snigdha, Pratham Saal, and the rent can be seen separately. You can go from Rajshahi to Parvatipur from Sobhan section for a minimum of 180 taka. You have understood all the processes of going from Rajshahi to Parvatipur by now. So I think there will be no difficulty in your journey.


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