Rangpur to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Some intercity trains ply on Rangpur to Dhaka route. Most of the people on the Rangpur to Dhaka route travel through the trains. At present the trains that run on every route in Bangladesh. These trains are built in a more advanced and standard environment than before. Due to which people nowadays can be very satisfied with train journey.
You may also be thinking of going to Dhaka from Rangpur. But I would say train is the only good mode of transportation for you. Through which you can enjoy a beautiful journey. So the schedule and ticket fare of intercity trains running on Rangpur to Dhaka route are given.
Rangpur to Dhaka Train Schedule:
The train takes much less time to reach the destination than any other means of transport in Bangladesh. Because you all probably know. There is no jam during train journey. Due to which there is no delay in the train journey. Common people travel by train as it can reach their destination in less time. So know the schedule of the trains running on Rangpur to Dhaka route.
Train Name Kurigram Express (798)
Departs from Rangpur at :08:26
Reached Dhaka at 17:25
Holiday: Friday
Train Name Rangpur Express (772)
Departure from Rangpur: 20:10
Reached Dhaka at 06:10
Holiday: Sunday
These two intercity trains are constantly running on the Rangpur to Dhaka route as per the schedule. Due to which the passengers of these trains do not have to face any difficulty regarding the timing of the train.Trains can be caught only if you arrive at the station on time. So if you want to travel from Rangpur to Dhaka through these trains. Then you also have to appear at the station according to this time.
Rangpur to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
As you may know train is a state vehicle of Bangladesh. Which has been managed by the government since the beginning. However, considering the convenience of the people of this country, the Bangladesh Railway office takes the train fare very low.
No matter which route you take by train. You can go for much less money compared to other vehicles. So you don’t have to pay much fare to travel from Rangpur to Dhaka. You can travel with different fares through these trains. Because you may know that there are many cabins in a tow. And those cabins have different fares due to different facilities.
And the train cabins are known by different names like Shovan, Shovan Chair, Snigdha, First Seat, First Berth AC, AC Berth.
Among these cabins you can rent the lowest amount from the decoration section. You have to pay Tk 420 to go to Dhaka from this Shobhan section. And AC berth category is known as the highest cabin in these trains. So if you want to enjoy maximum benefits of these trains. Then you have to pay Rs 1510 as rent. In return, you can enjoy maximum benefits of intercity trains.
But no matter which cabin you choose to take the train journey from. You have to purchase the ticket from the ticket counter of the station. You can never board a train without a ticket. So buy the ticket from the ticket counter of the station before leaving the train.
Remember not to buy tickets from anyone other than the ticket counter. By doing this you can fail. Because there are many dishonest people who are cheating people by selling fake tickets. Due to which ticket should not be purchased without ticket counter. You may have understood by now. What you need to do to go Rangpur to Dhaka train.